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Watched A Cop Hit A Family In A Car At 100 Mph

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Right in front of my place, three cops were chasing a dude who robbed a hotel today at around 4:00. They were chasing the guy going around 100 mph and an old lady with two kids and the kid's mom in the car pulled out in front of the last cop and got hit perfectly in the center of her car. it threw one little boy and her from the car and they both landed in my yard. the little boy went further than the old lady, laid on the ground and we thought he was dead...then, about ten minutes later, he started kicking and was alive. the old lady never got up, she died where she landed. she laid in my yard dead for about an hour before the coroner picked her up. one little boy was air evac'ed to St Louis and the other little boy and the mom went to the local hospital. I dont know if all three of them made it or not. The cop also went to the hospital. now, there is a HUGE dent in my yard where the old lady landed and a big blood spot where the little boy landed.


they caught the guys who robbed the Super 8 just down the road from me. i'm sure they will be charged with manslaughter at the very least. it was very sad to see these little kids being carried away on stretchers, one of which had his face and everything covered up :unsure::( . pisses me off when people just don't pay attention...

Edited by stealthawd
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Bummer. Sucks when people don't watch what the hell is going on....... Pulled out in front of the LAST cop car??? WTF did they think when the first two went flyin by???? One would, or rather should think somethin is up and keep a lookout....... Apparently not. I hope the injured make it through, and the ones that didn't make it, :unsure::cry:

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well, i called a couple of my cop friends around and found out that both the mom and the grandma died. i didnt think the mom was gonna make it as she was kinda hanging half in and outta the car pretty messed up. really sad that two kids lost their mom and grandma and are struggling to live because some jackoff robbed a hotel for fifty dollars. i hope they stick it to that guy.


the lady had pulled over to yield to the commotion coming up behind her. i was incorrect, it was only two cop cars chasing the guy. she pulled over for the van (robber) and the first cop and then just pulled onto a road just across from where she pulled over and right in front of the other cop. really really sad. the part that bothers me the most is taking the kids out on the stretcher all covered up.

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That really sucks, at least the kids made it (as far as we know). But shouldt the cops be held responsible? I mean I thought that they were not supposed to do high speed persuits any more, and let alone 100mph in a residential area that was probably 30mph, thats just asking for people to die. I mean a little kid could have ran in to the street going for a ball and got smacked. That accident was inevitable, if it didnt happen to those people then it would have happened to someone else.

Now I am sure the cops feel terrible, I know I would, and who knows maybe the robber does too. No one asked for that to happen, but if my kid got killed (perish the thought), then I dont care who did it, they would pay for it one way or another.

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But shouldt the cops be held responsible?


Now I am sure the cops feel terrible, I know I would, and who knows maybe the robber does too. No one asked for that to happen, but if my kid got killed (perish the thought), then I dont care who did it, they would pay for it one way or another.

Well, the cop had his lights and siren going and the person did not yield to the second cop. He was doing his job which was chasing the robber(s). BUT, I know exactly what you mean. I'm sure this is going to haunt him for a really long time. He instantly got out of his car and was trying to help everyone and was calling for help. I am on the fence on the issue on how much responsibility the cop should bear.


The REALLY scary part about it is that my son usually attends an after school thing until 5:00 and my wife picks him up. Seeing how school is almost over, the program is not going and he was put on a school bus yesterday for the first time since he has been in school (second grade). He was supposed to be taken to my wife's work, but they dropped him off at an apartment complex across the street from me (same street that the accident happened on). He stood there and cried and the bus driver went back and picked him up and drove him here (which he wasnt supposed to come here anyway). He refused to walk across the street from the apartments, that is why the bus driver picked him back up. He was home MAYBE five minutes before the wreck happened. He got to sleep in our bed last night with extra hugs from us. Stuff happens so fast.

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they are charging the bastard who robbed the Super 8 with the deaths of the two people. they are supposed to have a new conference at 3:00 today...i hope the guy gets screwed. two people die because this guy robs somebody at gunpoint for pocket change.

Edited by stealthawd
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