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Watched A Cop Hit A Family In A Car At 100 Mph

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two people die because this guy robs somebody at gunpoint for pocket change.


In my humble opinion, two people die because the police were chasing recklessly for the conditions. This happens all the time and what the hell does it get us? Nothing but dead innocent people.

A few years ago in Fresno, Ca. county sheriff takes off after some scared 15 year old who borrowed his Mom's car and didn't make full stop at stop sign. The Kid runs. Cop speeds past grade school at 3:00 PM and kills 2 little girls walking home.

The cops in high speed pursuits are very often taking too many risks for the situation and they need to get under control. If they can't tail them with a helicopter then they should let them go. We are not talking about The Boston Strangler or Bonney and Clude. In that case taking a little risk may be worth it . But not for some two-bit hoodlum who will be out on parole in 3 months anyway.

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I agree with Oldturtle, If the robbers aren't posing an immediate danger to anyone else, and if they can be identified and caught later, then let them speed away. It's almost enevitable that someone will get hurt if they chase people like that and if they let them go momentarily, probably no one will get hurt and they will have a 99% chance of catching them probably 10 minutes after they would have anyway. Of coarse they could commit more crimes after bing let get away but the odds are better than chasing them into innocent bystanders.

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two people die because this guy robs somebody at gunpoint for pocket change.


In my humble opinion, two people die because the police were chasing recklessly for the conditions. This happens all the time and what the hell does it get us? Nothing but dead innocent people.

A few years ago in Fresno, Ca. county sheriff takes off after some scared 15 year old who borrowed his Mom's car and didn't make full stop at stop sign. The Kid runs. Cop speeds past grade school at 3:00 PM and kills 2 little girls walking home.

The cops in high speed pursuits are very often taking too many risks for the situation and they need to get under control. If they can't tail them with a helicopter then they should let them go. We are not talking about The Boston Strangler or Bonney and Clude. In that case taking a little risk may be worth it . But not for some two-bit hoodlum who will be out on parole in 3 months anyway.

come one led i know your dads a cop.




this fuckin shit is crazy. the COP killed 2 people and the robber is being charged for it? what does the cop get? he get the satifaction of being helpfull. whell guess what no boy was hurt untill you guys fuckin crashed into a inocent car. you know why police chases are illegal in califorinia? BECAUSE OF THIS!!!. it doesnt justify the FACT that some ones life was at a risk, trying to catch this robber. because now theere are 2 kids with out a mother. i hope they hhave a good farther to explaine this to them when they get older. if that cop doesnt act like a farther to them two boys.... well that just shows what the good guys are capable of. you should have your morel valuse is check before you risk peoples lives.


i agree this could have had more than a 50mph speed limit never mind 100mph. isnt thid what you call "driving to endager". and thats on the hight way. i know these people dont live on the highway. maybe i think the authorities should have morrels to there values.


just so you know, i respect the role a police man or any authority has for that matter but chargeing a robber for man slauter of "what ever your going to chargew him with" IS JUST PLAIN NUTS. its only so the police man can project blaim on some one else. hope all you soon to be police MEN out there can see whos at foult on this axicident.


i know what your gonna say, what if the robber hit the car. guess what? he didnt. FACT

Edited by BrokeStonedBiker
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sad but true, the accident was the lady's fault. she did not yield to the pursuing officer. it is the same to you seeing a cop or firetruck coming and pulling out in front of them...or even not seeing them and doing the same thing. the guy did have a gun and was headed towards a school area as well as more businesses. the area where the accident happened is not very heavily populated and there aren't many things around where the accident actually occurred...it just so happened to be in front of me. i say fry the bastard...had he not committed a damn felony crime to begin with, the police would have no reason to give chase.


as far as helicopter pursuit...man, this is South East Missouri LOL...we dont have helicopters on call for the police department.


also, to let you know how this robber was, he wrecked into a Dr.'s office down the road and was headed inside when the cop whipped in. he had gun in hand and was heading inside the office...Lord knows what would have happened then.

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i think the fact that the lady pulled out after two cops already went by pretty much makes it her fault. I know when ever i have to pull over for an emergency vehivcle i make darn shure im out of the way and that there aint nothing around when i get going again. I do think cops can cause more danger by chasing at times but this doesnt seem to be like one of them. I hope the guys hangs....although sadly we dont hang people anymore

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i think the fact that the lady pulled out after two cops already went by pretty much makes it her fault. I know when ever i have to pull over for an emergency vehivcle i make darn shure im out of the way and that there aint nothing around when i get going again. I do think cops can cause more danger by chasing at times but this doesnt seem to be like one of them. I hope the guys hangs....although sadly we dont hang people anymore

he plowd INTO the victoms!!! we obeously dont know how it happend because we wernt there. but the fact is innocent people got KILLED. that may not mean anything to youe but people with moral valuse, it does. its not a sin to die. but from people who are supposed to be protectin you....... it makes you wonder. maybe you really dont know what an undeserved death is.... maybe you dont value life. maybe im wrong.....

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I think it was the lady's fault that this accident happend. I don't think the robbers should be charged for manslaughter for the lady's stupidity. An arguement for whose fault the accident was could be made for the cops, robbers, and the lady so there is no point debating whose fault it was. The morale of the story is be thankful that is wasn't you or a loved one involved in the accident and live on. There isn't a thing you can do to change what has happend so move on.

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that blows, when u see things like that u wounder, is there a god..... something happened to this one kid i was reading about, huis mom duck taped this child, so only this nose was open to break, the kid threw up from crying so hard and suffocated on his own vomit....i dunno this world sux ne more, you will remeber that for ever, im 15 and my freinds dad died 2 years ago in a car wreck, i can remeber the day exactly, i can remeber what i had for breakfast....... shit sux :(

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Honestly its the womans fault. She should have looked out for more emergency vehicles. Here there are always 2 or even 3 or 4 after one another when there is an accident on the freeway or they are chasing a guy that murdered his wife and was driving to her dads house to kill him, past my house at 4am. (this happened 2 months ago)


Its a sad sad lesson to learn. Hope your trauma heals soon.

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i think its the ladys fualt all she had to do was look and make sure no one was coming just like if you were parked you would look to make sure some one wasn't coming the robers are being charged with it because if they wouldn't have robed the motel place then no one would have been killed


brokestonedbiker don't worry the cops will be punished they will most likly be fired or will be working shift 3 at the front desk till they retire i know you would want them burned to the stake but seince this all happend in a chase trying to capture the bad guy they won't be


just wondering how do they know they were going a 100 mph

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My overall opinion after seeing how cops chase people. They should understand where they are, and how much speed is enough for the area. From what I have seen they are going way to fast and asking for an accident. Let alone the person being chased is just going to get a slap on the wrist if caught. By them chasing someone it is making that person run harder faster and more recklessy, let alone they are doing the same thing as that person making the odds of something happening 2, 3, 4 times greater. When they chase someone, I look at it is, if the person didn't stop in one mile and realize they are f-ed, they are going to keep going and eventually either run into something or by slim chance the cops are going to wreck them up safely. Have you ever been chased by cops on your quad, or by someone owning that property? How does it make you feel, you get a rush and drive like a manaic, on the verge of out of control. Same for the people they are chasing, they are only adding to their driving speed and recklessness I think.


I understand they need to catch these assholes, but they need to look into other options, not ballz out pedal to the metal past schools, tight areas, etc.


And as far as the lady goes, Yeah I can see its her fault, but how many times have you looked one way pulled out, and noticed a car was on your ass? This happens to me when the people are going around 50 and I dont see them till after I have pulled out because when I looked they werent there.

Now picture a cop car coming 100 mph, you might not even see it coming.

And Im sure if the robber doing a convient didnt get caught the first time, there is a high chance he will get caught the second time. And what did they get $100 to $200 dollers, big freaking deal!! Not worth pushing the limits past innocent people for what Im concerned.

If I was the father I would would be equally pissed at the cop and the robber.

Damn what a hard life those boys are going to have. Let alone the fact they may be living, but how well, disabled, cut up faces?, etc??

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i think its the ladys fualt all she had to do was look and make sure no one was coming just like if you were parked you would look to make sure some one wasn't coming the robers are being charged with it because if they wouldn't have robed the motel place then no one would have been killed


brokestonedbiker don't worry the cops will be punished they will most likly be fired or will be working shift 3 at the front desk till they retire i know you would want them burned to the stake but seince this all happend in a chase trying to capture the bad guy they won't be


just wondering how do they know they were going a 100 mph

i dont know they were going 100 mph an i dont want them bured. im not a Jesus killer. and you knoiw what? what if it was your wife who was drivive her two kids and the mother inlaw down the street. how would you feel if they got killed. even though its your wifes fault, its not worth it is it? you cant argue with me can you? i havent lost no one o a car a axident, and i just see what i see, this is bull crap risking lives to try to be a heor risking more lives. im just saying this is ludacris, crazy. i just dont thin some of you shee owners realize that it could have been you elderly person walking accross the steet, and we know know back whe they were growing up they wernt 1/4 of the about of cars going down the road, never mind nascvar racing at 100mph down the f*ck road. if it was your wife what would you thnk?


now your thinkin, hey broke was this youe wife and kids in the car wreck? no, i just have morrels and i can see.

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hey H300f, that happend to me when i was younger. i looked and it was clear the whan i pulled out a cop car pulled me over for cutting out in front of him. i honnestly knew he was speeding bnecause thers no way if you know what i mean. he pulled me over for haveing bong parifinelia and he mae me walk home. point is there are turns where you cant see far ahead. let alone if some hero in a blue siut is saving the day and coming at your family 90+ mph.


dont get me wrong i respect the ROLE authority plays in trying to protect the inocent. but they dont really do a good job.


ok ove told you guys enough from emotion. if anyone disages with me ill speak in princables/thruth/morels. take care and stay safe

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Years back at a 5 way intersection a bigass fire truck responding to a call, pulled out of the garage and made it less then 100ft, ran up over a car with a mother and I believe 3 young children and drug the car up the road a bit not knowing he even ran it over and killed all of them. :o

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Personally I think that anyone that runs from the law should be sentanced to the max. Especially if someone is hurt during the chase. It's simple cause and effect. I would be just as sick if some robber came into my wife's bank and blasted her with a shotgun. Especially to find out the police couldn't chase the suspect because of no chase laws. Thats F'd Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you run (IE Drive reckless during the pursuit, speeds over 85 MPH) you go to the pokey till you turn grey!!!


Pretty soon them damn drunks and dope runners wouldn't be running any longer!

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