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I Think I Figured It Out....?

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I think I figured out my jetting problems. It was running real rich it seems from right after idle right up on thru to the top... I am jetted at (30,360) mods in the sig.


here is what a I did so far:


I cut off the bacl 1.5 inches of my airbox lid


Moved the needle to the 2nd clip from blunt end


Turn air screws out 3-3.5 turns out.



My question is this.....Should I lower my pilots back to stock(25's) and lower the needle to the 4th from blunt end ?


I really dont want to have to keep rejetting all the time. So I figure I will leave my main jets (360) in thus the cut airbox lid will lean out that circuit enuff...


Just not sure what to do for the mid/low circuits? Does dropping to 25's and riching up the needles sound like the correct thing to do ?



Please advise...and thanks for all the help.... :dance:



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Just a suggestion, but this is what has worked best for me so far.


25 pilots , air screw 1 turn out , needle on second clip , 360 main,


I tried 30 pilots but was to rich , I am a little rich on the main but not bad 350 may be better but am at about 2500 ft. elv.


I tried everything but could not ge rid of mid sputter until I lowered needle.


Before porting I was running 290 mains , 30 pilots and needle on 3rd clip , with pipes and K&N.


After porting was a whole new monster ....

Am still tinkering :shootself:

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My question is this.....Should I lower my pilots back to stock(25's) and lower the needle to the 4th from blunt end ?

If it still hesitates a little in the midthrottle, then that might be a good idea. personally, richening the needle is good for response, but not to the point of bogging it out.


i didn't ignore your other post, i just was trying to think and kept forgetting to get back.

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Jetting can be fustrating, but if you don't do it, then you'll never get the optimum power and response,,,,I'd try lowering the pilots first and tune them in, then try raising the needles...Spend the time...

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Hey all,


i want to thank all of you for your suggestions. i am on my 3rd day of changing things around...


i will keep at it...thanks again fellas...




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