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Jetting 1/8 To 1/4 Throttle

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My banshee is starting to develop a bog between 1/8th and 1/4th Throttle,

according to the jetting faq this is regulated by the slide valve cutaway.


The last thing i changed (some time before this bog started) is

the float hight of my carb bowls.


The temperature has rized a bit.

All my other Throttle positions are fine.


I never heared anyone about changing carb slides for jetting.

Any workarounds for this?


The mods are:



-K&N filters

-boyeson reed petals

-4 degrees advanced timing

-25 pilot jets needle (aftermarket dynojet) in 5th position and 340 mains.



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lean your needle one clip and see if it goes away. I run 5th clip all winter and when it warms, like it is now, I fall back to the 4th and eliminate a little bog that will develop if I don't.


Another scenario if you want to get real technical with your needle (since you have an aftermarket one already), you could experiment with a different taper that would be richer than your current around 1/2 throttle and run it in the 4th. You'll get similar performance you have now above 1/4 / 3/8 throttle while still leaning the 1/8 to 1/4 circuit.



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warmer weather will always cause a little more hesitation due to less density in the air = to less hp and cooling efficientcy which will heat up the intake air even more.....Anyways.....you might want to turn out the air screws a little to lean out the pilot some more for the warmer air......

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