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Whats The Shift Star Modification?

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well my engine is apart, and ive seen pics of the shift star modification.


what is it, can i do it my self, and is it worth doing for a dune/trail machine? only racing is just play dragin, nothing seriouse,

the engine i am putting into this bike is the passion 12 port 4mm stroker,


just curiouse on stuff i should do now, rather then put my bike together, and then want to do it later, only to rip the bike apart.




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what is it

The shift star is attached directly to your shift drum, the shift drum lives inside your engine cases, the shift star attaches to the end of the drum and is on the outside of the engine cases. The shift star mates up with your shift linkage. The shift star is star shaped. The "arms" of the shift star are long and pointy in stock form, the modification is done by grinding down these arms on the star, you grind em down and and round em off. Here's a picture of a shift star that I did....



can i do it my self

Yes you can do it yourself. You'll have to remove the clutch basket tho. You shouldnt use a bench grinder to grind down the star's lobes, the best tool for the job is a floor mounted belt sander. Grind the lobes down till they look like the picture I posted. Measure everything with a micrometer so all the arms are identical. I could have went a c**t-hair lower with that star in the picture, but... I didnt. :)

The shift star mod is a two part deal, the first part being the "arm grinding" I just explained and the other mod is "backcutting neutral". You'll need a milling machine to properly backcut neutral, thats where Boonman comes in. He can grind your lobes for ya and backcut neutral for a good price. You dont have to have the backcut neutral, but its nice and since you have the star off the engine you might as well get it cut.


and is it worth doing for a dune/trail machine?

YES, its worth the trouble. Throw on a new clutch cable and one of those "ez pull" clutch levers and you'll have entirely different shifting machine. Like butta B)

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:clap: Nice!!!!!!! Meat is spot on. (like usual) When I do a shift star, first, it goes to the vertical milling machine. Where a .500" carbide end mill awaits for the machining on the neutral spot to be done. I touch off on the top of the star, go down .210", and I machine the detent .080" deeper. Once that is done, it goes to the belt sander, (like mentioned) and I grind off the high spots. Then, I affix it to my jig. (it mimicks the end of the shift drum, and the star bolts on exactly how it does on when it is on the bike) I put it in the Engine lathe. I then turn the ears down. It comes out perfect. Within .001". After it comes off the lathe, I take it over to the 1"x48" belt sander for some deburring. Then, I take it over to the scotchbrite belt equipped belt sander for some polishing. Then, it gets shipped out. :dance::headbang::drool:
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I can find neutral faster than a crack whore can find her pipe. :lol:


Maybe when I start havin problems, I'll let you hook me up boonman. Maybe, if I had one modded, I'd tell the difference. Hmmmm. <_< What to do.

Edited by sredish
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but boon, wouldnt you make a few bucks more by just modding them, not selling them...but that aint a bad idea, you could also round up some flywheels from ebay or the dealer, and sell them modded too!


Anyway, boon modded my star, good communication, quick to ship, good price!



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im all confused, (typical me) i have axcess to end milld bridgeports a leath any saning belt grain+ polishing tools. but i dont under stand what you do exactly. maybe its time for another one of those picture posts where you go through all the steps? id really like to know i sometimes find it hard to find nutral.( well i know where it is but it likes to go either form second to fiest or first to second, its takes a very light featherd foot to get it right.






BTW i head the work c**t hair used a lot by the guy wouorking next to me at work. has it ever been measured with a mico meter? or do they run in different sizes?

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