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Sorry to say but if certain riders are not warned about trespassing they will think its a riding spot for their use.Once you turn up the heat they will leave.

You can still visit the BHQ anytime.Just because you sold the shee doesnt mean you have to haul ass.Just think you might find interest once again in the future!

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Your mad because people tresspassed on your property but now your going to be a menace to everyone else and enfringe on my rights by putting my life at risk when your ride your dangerous crotch rocket motorcycle hurdeling recklessly down the road towards me at a high rate of speed? :angry:







:lol: J/K Welcome to the club and keep the rubber side down. 3 words: barbed wire fence

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Your mad because people tresspassed on your property but now your going to be a menace to everyone else and enfringe on my rights by putting my life at risk when your ride your dangerous crotch rocket motorcycle hurdeling recklessly down the road towards me at a high rate of speed? :angry:







:lol:  J/K  Welcome to the club and keep the rubber side down.  3 words: barbed wire fence

i have 160 acres fenced off with warning signs and no tresspassing signs....theres a moto track and a 90 foot ramp to ramp jump.......i let the neighborhood guys ride on it and if they get hurt....i posted signs so i am not lible..but otherwise whats the problem?.....if you have a large peice of land and dont want riders on it fence it off, and call the cops when your neighbor hits your trails...but when your house gets burglerized and he's standing in his drive way laughing....you'll know why......

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But I sold my shee and bought a YZF600R


Nice bike, But why not the R6? Think you will miss the shee? These are the best people to get great info from. I myself have got alot of my questions answered here. Good luck with your new bike I myself have an R6 and love it, Just be careful as it can get away from you. :cheers:

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Ya your right ill keep visiting how the hell could i stop, I started missing my shee the minute i thought about trading her! Ill get another one but it sure is hell wont be new this time.I dint know they were so easy to work on and had so few moving parts. I do think i got a decent amount on the trade, they gave me $4k

what do you guys think? I was going to sell it on my own but they gave my what i though i would sell it for.Shee was all stock other than the NOSS head.


The R6 is SWEET but when i was talking to the dealer and searching on the net everyone seems to agree that the 600R is more comfortable than the R6 and I am going to drive at least 60 miles a day just for work.I am not dissapionted with the power at all. They claim it has 98 horse power, all i know is the shee aint got shit on it. I dont think i have ever gone that fast in such a short distance. i couldnt imagine going that fast on a shee.


I should not have said trespassers where the main reason for trading the shee

it was only one of many

i have signs at all the places they enter the property. i have talked to and chased off people many times it didnt make much difference its kids most of the time and i wouldnt mind but i only have 8 acres. it might sound like a lot but its not. if they ride my property i can here it in my house and i dont like to here atv's when i want to sleep.i also dont like people looking at the things i cant fit in the garage,there are too many thieves in the area and iv been ripped plenty so when i come home from work to find people riding around my house i tend to get mad.

fence is an option i have considerd but our ground is very rocky and it aint much fun to dig in


thanks for the replys and sorry for spelling and grammer but its 1:30am and im about to crash



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