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Burnt My Damn Leg

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Earliest memory I have of burning myself was my ATC110. I remember I was like 7 or 8 and I burt my leg on the right side engine cover. Not once did I ever forget how hot that little SOB got. Funny how things stick in your mind.

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  • 2 years later...

Earliest memory I have of burning myself was my ATC110. I remember I was like 7 or 8 and I burt my leg on the right side engine cover. Not once did I ever forget how hot that little SOB got. Funny how things stick in your mind.

oh yeah cpi's will roast your flesh, banshee tumbled on top of me and my leg was stuck under the pipes, shoe flew off, so for about 5 seconds my foot was roasting on the headers

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ya I have gotten my left leg twice now on banshee's. once a couple yrs ago the day a friend got his and brought it by, I leaned into a turn in shorts and hmm it got hot. Then the other day on mine when test riding it, did pretty good at keeping my bare leg away from it but the shee struck out and got me anyway, at least itll leave an interesting mark since it was right above and slightly overlapping the last one.

now for my best stupidity/ burm moment. it was about 4days ago, a friend was riding my blaster at my place and took out a chunk of railorad tie with the left front tire snapping the tie rod end and turning the tie rod into a pretzel as well as trashing a rim, well I instantle thought that maybe it hit the toomey pipe and b4 I thought about it I had my palm right on the thing when the pain set in and it occured to me how stupid it was to grab exaust of a freshly ridden quad lol OOPS, luckyly it didnt hurm much the next day

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Needless to say I ride in pants now, no more shorts, I dont want to even THINK what the CPIS are capable of.


I am speaking from experience when I tell you they are capable of third degree burns on the inside of your left leg. I've got a decent little scar from it, but I learned not to ride with shorts on any more.

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I touched my leg on my T-5's a few times, but nothin' major. I ride with pants on though, so its all good. As far as gettin' the burnt pants off the chrome pipes, use Mother's chrome polish and lots of elbow grease. I mean lots of elbow, and rub, and rub, and rub and about 3-4 hours. At first it didn't look like it was coming off then all of a sudden some disappeared, so I kept going. After a few hours it all came off without scrathin' the pipes. Have patients and it will come off............. :beer:

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I call the burns my "Toomey Tatoos". Now that I've got CPIs, I burn a leg everytime I ride, literally. I have burns on top of burns that haven't healed yet. It almost doesn't even hurt anymore. LOL. :yelrotflmao: As of last week, I'm wearing pants. I don't care if it's 100 degrees outside.

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Ahh man dont we all learn our lessons. Ive come across a burn or two but how the hell do all of you burn your pants onto your pipes? I have some boots that have a leather side where it rubs against the pipe and ive yet to burn my pants. But anyways I have a buddy that at the time had his YZ85 and we were all riding playing around doing wheelies and stoppies and he went a bit too far with a stoppie and the bike landed RIGHT on his leg and the pipe just sizzled his right leg and the burn was about 6 inches up his leg and was disgusting. We all rushed to get the bike off him but it was still too late. I brought him to my house and my mom cleaned his leg up and wrapped it but that was the most horrible burn ive ever seen.

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Ahh man dont we all learn our lessons. Ive come across a burn or two but how the hell do all of you burn your pants onto your pipes? I have some boots that have a leather side where it rubs against the pipe and ive yet to burn my pants. But anyways I have a buddy that at the time had his YZ85 and we were all riding playing around doing wheelies and stoppies and he went a bit too far with a stoppie and the bike landed RIGHT on his leg and the pipe just sizzled his right leg and the burn was about 6 inches up his leg and was disgusting. We all rushed to get the bike off him but it was still too late. I brought him to my house and my mom cleaned his leg up and wrapped it but that was the most horrible burn ive ever seen.


Hmm a doc's vist might have been in order for that one. Bad burns can get nasty if not properly treated.

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I guess I'll be the one to say that this thread is over 2 years old, but considering I haven't been here that long it doen't bother me.


But yeah, Left calf and fattys, ouch. I always get it when I jam into a stump, rut, etc... I'd wear pants, but I love the feeling of a nice breeze up my shorts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you every had a wasp fly up your shorts and Sting you in the nuts why you are ridden? :o

Personal I always wear long Levi?s. Swollen nuts suck.


No but I had something like that fly into my mouth from under my helmit, my nose was caked with sand so I was breathing though my mouth and BAM! Right down my throat, I pulled over to throw up but I didn't.


Burned the shit out of my left leg on my fattys as well. Woke up and everyone was leaving for a ride so I jumped on before changing into pants, was hung over from night before. Burned a nice scar into twice on that ride.


So now I switched to CPI's not that they stick out less, but perhaps I can even it out a bit and burn the right side as well :) LOL


Damn this is an old ass post!

Edited by Justintoxicated
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