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Put Sponser Stickers On?


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I just bougth new plastic. white front and rear fenders and blue tank cover and radiator cover. they are all oem plastic and i had a buncha of sponser stickers from when i bought stuff like FMF and Alba and stuff. Should i put those on the back fender or not? or just i put i on the bottom of the rear fender. I can't decide if i wanna put them on or not. Thanks!

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I really like the look of a factory sponsor bike. Only thing is I have a problem putting a sticker on my bike when I'm not using that company's product. I don't have any Roll Design products, though I'd like to, therefore, I'd feel like an ass having their sticker on my bike. I have a big ass pile of stickers in a special drawer in my box, and I'll probably never use them. When I get lots of shit, then I'll put all of them on at once, from the mfgs that I'm using.


FoxBanshee has a very sweet Yamaha Blue banshee with all the sponsor stickers, looks sweet as hell.

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Dont put them on unless your sponsered by them and there paying you to display them. That reminds me of thoes rice rockets with all them stickers on there, looks like shit. Leave it plain and simple. Also, latter on down the road when you go to take them off, your plastics are still new lookin under the stickers. Just my opinion, But leave em off. I also took all the stock stickers off for a cleaner look, looks sweet.

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I really like the look of a factory sponsor bike. Only thing is I have a problem putting a sticker on my bike when I'm not using that company's product. I don't have any Roll Design products, though I'd like to, therefore, I'd feel like an ass having their sticker on my bike. I have a big ass pile of stickers


I'm the same way.... :lol:



most of the stickers i have end up on tool boxes, hard hats...

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