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Yeah I Know I Am 13 But...help Me Out


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Ok, this is another gurl thingy....I was goin out with this one gurl...her name is becca shes like 5'9 and shes in the 8th grade...I am 5'4 and in the 7th grade....well I was goin out with her but I have known this one gurl for Year and Years....This Yeah she says i am Hotter than any other year...and i dumped becca for her, adn then she says that she likes some other guy...a 6th grader...and i was like what the heck.....and i get to see her all the time...what should i do....to try to get her to like me more?




I know i should :shootself:


But i am wondering...and u guys know about gurls.....lata



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Ignore her. Let her do her thing with the 6th grader, and you go do your thing with Becca or some other girl. You're 13, not like you're looking for somebody to marry, just have fun and don't do anything stupid. Who knows, you two may hook up one day.

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Does Becca know that you dumped her for this other gurl? You may have soured both flowers with this one.Let the "tall gurl" do what she wishes.If this guy she supposedly likes turns out to be what she doesnt want than shes yours,ma man!

Trying hard to get a gurl to like you show weakness to her especially if she recognizes it.Maintain your dignity!

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i'll be 16 in a few days and can think back to when i was 13. . . how much i learned in the past 2 or 3 years, and how much has just been cramed in to this kids head. . .

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Dude if you ride a banshee your a g/d man.

Just let them both know you like them, and then like

loco said, try and let em see you playin with the big boys toys.

Always remember to play it cool around them. Give them looks

that let them know you like them but other than that, for the most

part, pretend like you got something better to do while they are

around...like work on your banshee. Let her see you with some

tools in your hand and pretty soon she'll have your tool...

How old are you? :P

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What you gotta do man is pimp them both. Get em both hot for ya man, and the next thing ya know your the man. Just dont pay any attention to either of them and they will both start jockin if its ment to be. Then you can come back on the HQ and tell all these older men whats its like to have two chicks at the same time. Lord knows I'm still wantin to know what its like bro. Just jokin man, But when you get em both let us know whats its like, ok.





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