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I'm So Pissed!

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ide like to change my answr if i could..



its just a car man. dont be so imotionally bonded with it. or you can be and get pissed and never find out who it was and be pissed the whole time. then when you grow up and prioritize you will come to see that it was just a car. maybe not, just a thought

It's not about an emotional connection. I've got an emotional connection with my car but if I scratch it, I get over it.


What's really annoying is when some other f*ck has nothing better to do with his time than damage other peoples property. That's always a bit harder to swallow.


I'm with you Wallrat, break his kneecaps. :evil:

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Its not like I'm dwelling on it. It happened awhile back if you look at the date of the first post. I haven't found out who did it but my insurance will cover it - only cost to me is $100. It is just a car, and a truck at that so I'm not worried about scratching it. I'm pissed that some little bastard would do that to my property and get away without a scratch. My philosophy is that you should pay for being a prick. Maybe its immature broke, but I'd still feel better after I buried my boot into his jaw a few times. Its nice to know that if anyone is feeling like being a dick, they can key your car to their heart's content and you'll be fine with it since you're such an adult. Now if only you could spell like an adult.

Edited by Wallrat
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Look man, Im sorry.....it was me


































































Well no it wasnt but sorry to hear soem asshole did that....hope you get em

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hey brokestonedbiker......what's your address....I've got some vacation time and like 50 keys on my keychain.......any requests for pretty pictures?


How bout I scratch I'm Gay across the hood......its just a car though right?

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Amen to that. That's his ride Brokestonedbiker. Show some fu*ckin compassion dude :angry: .Well...It's not you're ride why would you care anyway.Key in "child molester on board" on BSB's ride and then we'll ALL hear the wimpering!


That sucks Wallrat.I'm pissed and it ain't even my car.There's alot of cowards out there.

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Dude, i feel your pain, that sucks a ton. Pansy bastards... it's true, they do that stuff because they're too chickenshit to confront you in person.


One of the many great dialogues from Pulp Fiction:


Vincent Vega: Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that asshole doing it. It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it.

Lance: What a fucker!

Vincent Vega: What's more chickenshit than fucking with a man's automobile? I mean, don't f*ck with another man's vehicle.

Lance: You don't do it.

Vincent Vega: It's just against the rules.

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