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I'm So Pissed!

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Went out to my car today to go surfing before work and found that some f_ck keyed my car 6 times down to the metal! I have an idea of who it might be but still there's no way I could prove it unless the piece of shit does it again. If I ever catch who did it, I'm gonna be displaying his kneecaps from my rearview mirror.

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That is the most pansy thing anybody can do. That right there tells me one thing. The person who did it is too much of a pussy to front you in person. No matter how much a hate somebody I would never mess with their vehicle. Sorry about your car man. I hope you find the pussy! :angry:

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  • 3 weeks later...
That is the most pansy thing anybody can do. That right there tells me one thing. The person who did it is too much of a pussy to front you in person.

I agree. ;) I've had that shit happen to me before...got me 3 'custom' racing stripes down the side of my truck. I found out who did it, wanted to kick his F'n ass...but instead I pressed charges(my old man was the Chief of Police at the time), he paid for my truck to get fixed, got me a little cash also...and he got to repaint the city parking lots over the summer. :D

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ide like to change my answr if i could..



its just a car man. dont be so imotionally bonded with it. or you can be and get pissed and never find out who it was and be pissed the whole time. then when you grow up and prioritize you will come to see that it was just a car. maybe not, just a thought

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