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This Site Has Turned Into A Day Care Center


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i agree and disagree, partly on the fact that when someone gives there opinion someone else gets all wet and pees in there panties and starts talking shit, that i hate, and there is the kid that keeps himself a secret and asks people who dont know him the questions he wouldnt ask his friends because they will poke fun of him.I THINK THIS SITE IS AWSOME. found a lot of great stuff. :dance:

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come on Chase your starting to lose me here. :bolt:

Ok lets end this topic its become the thing I dislike !!!! but , my origanal point wasnt the questions about the shee it was the questions like if I adda pipe to my bike will I beat my buds 400 ex !!! or do i need to mix my gas with oil and willl 10-40 work !!!!!! those type of questions . and my second point was where did all the old school hq members go /??????? most have left or dont bother to post anymore . That was my point !!!!!! and for the guy who wanted to race if you are from the new england area I would be glad to stomp the shit out off you in a race :) I will be at coalfeast if anyone wants a peice :cheers:

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Yeah I hope to tell you dumbass, I dont have much time to be spending on the internet playing games with people that think they know so much. Yes and I do have actually 2 of the fastest quads around my area, and if you seen them or seen them run you would probably have a little respect for other people!.

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i feel where chase is coming from, some of the maturity is gone from the site, but rather than a think tank this is an open forum, my kid will ask me some stupid shit, buts he's sharp as a tack and just trying to learn, most youngsters are all balls and no brains, once their nuts settle in, they'll mature, but all in all most have good questions and are just trying to have fun and learn, just for the life of them cant help being 16, in ten years that same kid will sound like a rocket scientist on the HQ.......

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Chase dude seriously, i will smoke the shit out of you, post your times and slips from coalfest, Illput some up from the avenal drags, and you must be a dumbass if youre running a drag port with a -2 arm

coalfest is going to be in the middle of an abandoned coal strip mine.not a sanctioned event with a tree and timers.

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Chase dude seriously, i will smoke the shit out of you, post your times and slips from coalfest, Illput some up from the avenal drags, and you must be a dumbass if youre running a drag port with a -2 arm

ohhhh that makes me a dumbass allright :shootself: maybe your just a little to stupid to understand how to use the clutch or launch in a race . like I said bring it to coalfeast and stop your shit talking .

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