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Legalize It

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Hey all. You know, i vowed to never post here again considering what happened, however, i may have caught wind of just why i was banned. thats besides the point though. i just saw this thread and thought you all should be aware that this sugarmagic is just hussling for lee. that site that she said she "just found", the legalizeit.info or whatever, is actually owned by one of lee's closest frineds, and i think its a safe bet that lee is actually building it for him.  i just love this little girls alterior motives.

Yeah, so...whatever :yank:

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I know I went a little overboard, I did it on purpose. My point is this, I have seen first hand what "just a little weed" can do. I don't want to sound like a freakin commercial but for way to many people, I think most but have no real facts to back it, it doesnt stop at a little weed. It either becomes something else or it goes from a little weed to a freakin ton of weed. I've been ripped off by people I knew/know so they could buy. I've seen friends piss away academic and athletic scholorships. Yeah, they were laid back and didn't care but that is the point, to this day they just don't care. I've seen friends go from weed to meth to heroin, all very different drugs. Others have mentioned remembering friends or even themselves doing stupid stuff when high on weed, I've seen it, bad choices, driving, fighting, riding and screwing....yeah bad choice sometimes. It starts people down a path they can't get out of.....the worst part is they want to get out, they can't. It pisses me off when I see people who would not normally choose Pot if left alone are offered some by another stoner. "No pressure man, but it's good stuff". Bull Shit, if the person (usually a kid) isn't asking leave them alone.


My point with the "eliminate crime rant" was simply where does it end? What's next? Don't tell me nothing because everytime the 9th circuit court does something like this something else follows.


Obviously I'm a little passionate about this topic, but it is not a blind passion. I've seen it. And to be fair I know a couple people who seem to manage themselves smoking a little now and then, but they are the exception, not the rule.


Think about how many underage kids drink and smoke. A ton, no question about it. Think about how many underage kids smoke pot. Some but not as many as drink and smoke cigs. You legalize Marijuana, main stream it put in camel or winston cig packs and watch how many more teens jump on that wagon. Don't kid yourself by saying so what, it won't hurt anything anyway, Kids who smoke pot as a rule do not do well in school, do not do well in jobs and really loose sight of the future. There are studys to back that, not just biased studies either, surveys done by both sides show that to be true.


Life has to many other natural highs to offer. The next time you are on top of a dune at sunset or sunrise, look around. The next time you look at your spouse or signigicant other think about the fact that they have chosen to be with you and no one else. Look at the stuff you have that you have worked hard for, your success. Look at your kids, neices nephews. The next time you work hard riding or playing hoops, or MT. Biking, or rafting or whatever and you are sitting around looking at your friends think about how blessed you are and ask if you need weed to be satisfied. If your answer is yes you need weed, ask yourself why?


I am done with my lecture, I just want people to know why I wrote what I wrote, I was hot during the first post. Any way enough said.




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not that i agree with this and i dont but what would be the difference on taxing it i mean farmers grow tabaco plants then its sold to a corparation then dried rolled blah blah.. packaged shipped to your local smoke shop priced and sold with a high tax. so whats the difference weed is grown bought blah blah blah.. packaged shipped and priced and taxed the same way and for thaat matter alcohol starts from a plant or plants (hops and barley) picked sold you get the drill so what is SO big and bad about weed? well for starters it illegal thats why everyone wants it kinda like prohabition everyone wanted alchol so then you got moonshiners but just like everything else regular moonshine wasnt good enough and an ass load of people died from poisining i know its legal know and an ass load of people still die but not as many die from alchol poisining. and the drinking rate from the time that prohabition ended to current has dropped. so they legalize the shit and tax the hell out of it will the usage go down maybe not becuase then you can still grow it better and more potent like cigs many different kinds harsh to your smoking air flavored blah blah and thats the problem what once started simple(cigs) look at them now many different kinds and all not good for the body weed in its NATURAL form is less harmful but then again so is TABACCO in ITS natural form. so you can legalize it and within a couple years have different brand and chemicals dumped in it and then your back to square one growing and selling it yourself. so its kind of just a viscious circle in the money hungry corparation we call life.

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I say legalize is so all the potheads can get high and drive themselves off of a cliff.


but seriously, I don't understand what motivates people to do so much harm to themselves. Sucking on a stick that gives you cancer doesn't sound like all that good of an idea to me.


Now I'm not saying that I don't like to have a drink evey now and then, and on the VERY VERY rare occasion that I do drink, I stay way below my limits. What happens when you have too much to drink? You puke it up. To me that is your body telling you that the crap is not supposed to be there, so why keep gulping more down? What happend when kids first try smoking? They cough like crazy. That is the body telling them "what the Fu*& are you doing, stop it." When I sit back and observe people it amazes me how many of them are slowly taking years off of their life.


I guess that everybody has the right to do to themselves whatever they want to. But for myself, I'd rather not waste away brain cells and turn my lungs into tar pits and end up with cancer some day.

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My main thought as to why it isnt legalized yet is because of the flow of it in and around the country. You think government officials dont know about this, It is a billion dollar business and I'm sure that money is filtering to legislature. Why would they legalize something that is putting money in their pockets one way or another, when if they legalized it that money would go to govt and not them personally?


First of all, Marijuana will not hurt your lungs unless smoked constantly for many, many years. The reason lung cancer is caused is from the chemicals and what not in cigarrettes. They kill the cilia in your throat after being covered in the tar and such, and then cant clean your lungs anymore.


Marijuana has less tar, and is not smoked as often as cigarrettes usually. It will not kill the cilia in your lungs and throat unless smoked like a fiend for years, allowing your lungs to cleanse. Not to mention the fact that if it was legalized, you could get thc inhalers and cut out the whole tar/lung cancer issue all together


RJ, you bring up some alright points, but how many peoples lives have you seen destroyed because of alcohol? I used to smoke marijuana, and would prefer to smoke it then get drunk. I've never used it as a stepping stone to other drugs, sure I've tried them, but they werent for me. I smoked for 6 or 7 years and it hasnt affected me in one bit. The THC buildup will slowly dissipate from around your braincells (which causes the slower thinking habits and forgetfullness and such), and my lungs are clean.


Marijuana doesnt affect you like alcohol, doesnt make you swerve all over the road while high, make you throw up because you smoked to much, etc etc. How many people you know have died from overdosing on pot?


I dont feel legalizing it would lead to more crime and more drugs etc etc., it might even lead to less. If their was a good euphoria drug out on the market, it would tend to keep people from needing to go somewhere else. And as the supporting your habit with crime crap, many can function and still perform their job on it etc. and it shouldnt even be used that way, should be used and follow same guidelines of alcohol. It's not addicting like the other drugs, you dont need a fix of it so you go steal something to get that fix. You wait till your next check comes in and then go get a dime to enjoy the upcoming weekend.


I smoked all through highschool, graduated with honors, went to college for civil engineering, and realized I can make more money driving truck so went that route. All my buddies have done the same with graduating and college.....and we smoked before school, after school, in the evening etc etc.

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did anyone come up with any creative phone code names? How about favorite McGyver ways of smokin when you didnt have your trustee pipe with you? I'd have to say my favorite was this old wrench I found in my dads garage. I pulled out the screen from one of the sinks and stuck in in one of the ends to the wrench. So I sort of adopted that wrench to be mine, and it was perfect cus at first glance it still just looks like a wrench, but if you looked at it or tried to use it, youd find out. no one ever did though! :dance:

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good reply abyss.


Sugar magic- We used to call it a lot of things. my favorite was ..george. get on the phone and say "hey man, I need to talk to george". also potatos, "you got any potatos you could spare". when looking for a quarter, sometimes we'd say "hey dude, I need a quart of oil" or for a half O " I need 2 quarts"

We've smoked out of pop cans, 1/4 drive sockets, pens, we made bongs out of flashlights, PVC pipes, vases, and my favorite was ceramic teddy bear bank, lol. Man, this brings back some memories :rolleyes:

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I'm 32...

Damn your old. Don't know if I can ride with someone that old. :lol: jk I'm only short by 5 years, but I'm still under the big 3 0.

Yep old man....


But, Still tearing it up...... :bolt:

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I don't give a chit if they legalize it or not myself. It's going to be around either way & it's just going to cost more if it's legalized. <_< I'm not a flat out pothead either,...I've been through those days(don't remember too much), I'll still toke a bit but I can take a couple hits & be just fine without burning the whole bowl getting blitzed, it's almost like anymore if I get really stoned I just feel stupid and it's just not the same as it was when I was puff'n a big 'ol fatty with the guys in my shagg'n waggon in HS. I do know that I don't want the shit around my kids when I have them, there's a time for the shit & it's not with the family. Not saying I'm going to never smoke it again after I have kids,...but I sure as shit am not going to keep it on my property and risk getting caught with it and losing my kids. That would suck...now on a weekend out with the guys or whatever, if ya got it-schmoke it. ;)



As far as the telephone slang....

How far can ya go?...'quarter' the way, 'half' the way, or can you cover the whole 'zone'? :cheers:

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All those are awesome! ..Got me crackin up over here, keep em comin!


I thought of a few more, for a Ounce we'd call it a "Z" or "half a Z". I have a whole bunch for l to the s to the d. paper, newspaper, sid. But now we're just getting outta hand. Give these kids MHD!

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