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Legalize It

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kinda late in the day, but I just thought of it.. I would like to see it legalized, anyone else? discuss!

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f*ck NOOOO!!!


they will tax it. and become even more powerfull than they are now. USA needs to not have so much money. you know if every one all at once cut down and stoped paying half there taxes to waistless causes that would be good. that they gonna do through everyone in jail, brainwash them? well yeah there all brainwashed and in jail. so f*ck i hate these fuckin presidents people are voting for. there all fuct, but we dont find out till after the first term running. iys bull shit. if i saw bush i piss on his shoe. LOL na but you know what i mean. too much power is never a good thing. a pac of cigeretts cost about .25cents a pac. they tax them for about $4 and change.

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i wouldnt mind it but i think brokestonedbiker is right, over here its just become a class c drug and they are bringing it out in tablet for on perscription. tablets will be crap but its got people wondering what colour they will be.

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Oh, yeah, lets legalize it. Hey I got a great idea! I know how we can eliminate crime all together. After we legalize pot, lets legalize heroin, and meth. Then we can legalize DUII! Then we can make it legal to smash in car windows and break into houses so the pot smokers can get the money they need to buy there new legal substance, after all if it is legal to buy they should be able to get the money and besides, people with nice cars or houses have it to easy anyway, they deserve to get the shit they work hard for ripped off. Awsome...but why stop there, if we made it legal to beat the hell out of your spouse we could do away with all those domestic violence laws and if they fall you know all the assholes that fight out on the dunes won't matter anymore because if you can beat your wife or woman no one will think it is wrong to get drunk or high and kich the shit out of some person you hardly know. Rock on. Then we can legalize fraud, theft after all what is mine is yours, kidnapping...I mean I just wanted you to go with me for a little while..., menacing....hey I wasn't really going to shoot you, I was just waving that gun around as a joke....murder...I am sure there is alway a justification for killing someone, just ask a defense attorney..., child molestation....after all, they can't help it they were born attracted to juveniles so it must be natural and therefore legal. IF we just keep going before long there will be no crime at all and it will be a peace filled nation because everything will be legal. Hey what is right for you is right for all man. Take another hit while I go to work and pay taxes to support you and your habit.




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Eh I don't think it should be leagle, I don't think its a verry good thing, I know when my friends smoke they act like dumb fucks, I guess as long as you don't go driving your banshee or whatever and get hurt or hurt smebody else thats fine smoke away, but for the people who still ride when they blazin like 1 of my friends and alot like all the teenagers around here should not beable to smoke it, thats why its not leagle, maby ok for you, your a responsible adult...


About the alcahol it is leagle but to a point, you can only have so much if you plan to drive, and you have to be atleast 21, I know no 1 obeys the law, but thats why they have a certain age because like I said about the weed, most people that are young have bad judgment and it would cause all kindas of problems....



Anyway, I don't think it should be leagle...


I just don't see the thrill of getting drunk, whats the point what do you get out o it? Do people like having hangovers? whats the point of getting high? What do you get out of it?

Edited by Trick2stroke
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:) This is exactly what I was looking for; both sides of the story. RJV you can complicate things, but it all makes sense. I agree with a lot of what you're saying. BrokedStonedBiker, are you sure that's exactly what would happen? I would still like to see it legalized, but that's just me being a paranoid little girl who wants to smoke and not get caught. :unsure:
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FAV WEED TELEPHONE WORD......dave trees, doobers, dooba-doobs


Anyone else have a favorite telephone code for the bud?

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ok my view


leaglize it, alachols leagle, coud get fucked up or overdose (alchol poising) from that, if its leagle you be able to buy stuff that you know how strong it is or if its clean with out having to worry about gettin riped of, and then (just like cigs) if you get cancer or do something stupid while your on it you can always sue the company you got it from.

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I think it should be legal....

I'm a ex-smoker.... of 10 yrs...

Even if it was legal I prolly wouldn't smoke...


Just for the simple fact that I have a kid and I wouldn't want her

around it!


I know when she gets older 8(now) but, still in my eyes she's a baby and always will be!

I smoked 4 10+ yrs... did some pretty stupid things...back then,


But, I wouldn't change a thing...I'm 32 been clean 9 yrs....



Damn I sound like I'm at AA


Sorry but that's the truth!

Edited by banshee76179
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The problem with weed or any other non-legal drug is that it is not regulated like alcohol or cigs (which is a drug also). Once you put a non-regulated substance into your body you really don't know what all is in it. I use to party back in the high school days (grad '90) with a little bit of it all until a got a bad hit of acid, not a good trip but enuff to scare the shit out of me...stuck with the heinekens after that. :cheers: I feel old saying this but what the youth are gettin into and mixin is real scary especially now that I got 3 kids (3,4 and 6) I don't even want to imagin what will be on the streets when they get old enuff to be confronted by 'em.

far as legalizing it I don't think we will because we seem to have enuff lawsuits on things that are already legal...just my 2 cents.

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