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Final Fantasy

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Call me old, but I'm still nostalgic about FF2, Secret of Mana and Secret of Evermore (to name a few).



I, too, stopped playing as much, but after 9. It came out at a slow point in my college life and even though people here seemed to not like it... I kept at it and whooped it and it got to be pretty decent later on. Just sucks for like the whole first disk.

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I only had final fantasy 9 and i actually liked it, I had all my characters at level 99, had the excaliber, it got pretty good at the end....


I hate 10, it just sucks huge balls..


I try not to play games like that anymore cause I get to wraped up in them and it takes up all my time, I had the same thing happen to me on Diablo 2 and I played that freakin game ALL the time..Any 1 else here play that game?

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auron and squall are my favorites. the worst charactor ever has gotta be the little queer with the tail in nine. I don't even remember his name. eight had the coolest card game in it. I could play for hours. It kinda sucks though when you are in the future and you can't get into the towns. the only lady you can play is the queen of cards. Alright i got a good question. who is your favorite summon? my favorites are anima, ifrit, knights of the round table, bahamut, and eden. I need to go buy 7. I borrowed it from a friend for a summer and beat it but I never beat ruby weapon. I did get the gold chocobo though.

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If you guys are looking for a challenge on X-2 try going through all 99 levels of the Via Purifico under bevelle in the last chapter. Every enemy in the game is down there in increasing difficulty. Actually, most of the enemies including the weapons are pretty easy if your stats are maxed out. That all changes on level 99 when you meet Trema. This guy handed me my ass about 250 times before I finally got lucky enough to beat him. Easiest way to do it is to get the cat nip accesory on level 1 which makes its user deal 9999 damage on every hit when they're HP are yellow. Give that to a gunner and use the trigger happy command to take down 9999 for each shot. Still, even with this, its really tough to beat him. Easily the hardest battle I've fought on any FF. Here's his stats:


HP 999999

MP 999

Str 255

Def 255

agl 128

eva 99

mag 255

mag def 255




Oh and BenBB...yes, moogles are still around. You actually dress up as one in FFX-2.

Edited by Wallrat
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auron and squall are my favorites. the worst charactor ever has gotta be the little queer with the tail in nine. I don't even remember his name. eight had the coolest card game in it. I could play for hours. It kinda sucks though when you are in the future and you can't get into the towns. the only lady you can play is the queen of cards. Alright i got a good question. who is your favorite summon? my favorites are anima, ifrit, knights of the round table, bahamut, and eden. I need to go buy 7. I borrowed it from a friend for a summer and beat it but I never beat ruby weapon. I did get the gold chocobo though.

Haha.. I hated the card game in 9. Never played it so when I eventually did it was out of necessity later on in the game and it sucked.


Just have to have some buffed out characters with like.. Life 3 or whatever the auto-revive spell is in that one.. and go to town on it. Not an easy battle. Great game though. Still remember seeing the opening seen in Midgar at the beginning for the first time.. was just like "woahhh" and then the gameplay starts.. like.. DAMN WTF! hehehe. pissed me off that they cut off the US version so you couldn't bring back Aeris or anything. Woulda made it a better game, for sure.

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