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My favorite final fantasy games were 7 and 8. 9 was completely gay and 10 was o.k at best. I haven't played a single final fantasy game after 10 because they have all looked gay. What happend to the good old days of 7 and 8? How come all of the new final fantasy suck so bad?

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7 rocked, 8 was the shiz, 9 blew donkey balls, 10 was okay...some cool characters and f'n great ways to increase your characters' stats but the ending sucked, X-2 was pretty good...better ending but kinda cheesy and they seriously limited how much ass you could kick. So here's a good question, who is everyone's favorite FF character? Least fav. character?





fav: auron - this dude just kicks everyone's ass


least: Seymour - how big a fruitcake was this cock smoker?? By about the 18th time he said that so n' so's "resolve was admirable" I was ready to beat that blue-headed felcher with a tire iron.

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Wow. Everybody hating on 9! hehe.. it had a really slow beginning but got a bit better. I'm not a big fan of the ones with 800 different characters to choose from.


You want a hard game? Play FF2 sometime. I've beat 'em all from 1-9. The "good ol days" for me were FF2 and FF3 (4 and 6, in Japan)


I'm a Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross fan also.

Edited by nater006
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ROFL Wallrat!! The only FF I've played since Square parted ways with the big N has been Final Fantasy Tactics Advance on the GBA, and it is by far the best thing on the little system. Moogles are the shizzle, if chocobos are still around are there moogles in the double-digit FF's?

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FF2 will always be my favorite. During the summer me and a buddy of mine had nothing to do all day and didn't live close to each other. So we started 2 games of FF2 at the same time and went through the whole game while talking to each other on the phone. Actually I think we did that more than once. We loved that game. We also built our characters up to level 99. Looking back on things that sounds kinda lame but it was fun at the time.


I've played FF1, 2, 3, 7, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Tactics, Legend 2, and that old kiddie one where you could jump (forgot the name).


We're the old-school FF fanatics! Cecil was da man!... well, when he was a dark knight anyway.

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FF2 will always be my favorite.  During the summer me and a buddy of mine had nothing to do all day and didn't live close to each other.  So we started 2 games of FF2 at the same time and went through the whole game while talking to each other on the phone.  Actually I think we did that more than once.  We loved that game.  We also built our characters up to level 99.  Looking back on things that sounds kinda lame but it was fun at the time.


I've played FF1, 2, 3, 7, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Tactics, Legend 2, and that old kiddie one where you could jump (forgot the name).


We're the old-school FF fanatics!  Cecil was da man!... well, when he was a dark knight anyway.

The one where you could jump was Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. That and Tatics are the 2 FF games I dislike very much. FF2 (SNES, FF4 Japan) had the best storyline of all the FF games. I have the remake of FF4 for my PS1.

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Yup, I got the FF Anthology and FF Chronicles also. Well, as gifts.. couldn't see buying 'em since I already have the SNES carts of 2 and 3 (4 and 6 Japan). FF2 rules though.


When you really wanted a "jump start" in it, financially, you could duplicate any weapon you wanted, and sell the extras.. ;) You wouldn't believe how much damage something like that legendary Excaliber does when you have 99 of them and can Throw them all the time..hehehehe. Awesome game though.



They just don't make 'em difficult like that nowadays.

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I stopped playing after FF7, just cause I've spent too many summers playing the previous ones. :)


Lately, roommate's been playing the new Final Fantasy Online. Oh man, that would probably be the death of me. It engulfed him like Everquest does/did for so many people.


Can't say I've given up on games altogether, hell no, but just RPG's I've had to cut myself free from.


Call me old, but I'm still nostalgic about FF2, Secret of Mana and Secret of Evermore (to name a few).

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