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Whats A Good Price To Pay For This Site?

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Simple as this, if you feel the need to help, send Lee money. If you do, you get your star by your name. Signup and use is free to everyone. BHQ stays the same as is, THE INTERNET'S #1 BANSHEE RESOURCE, that is FREE.


I can afford to send $50 to him, I would just end up wasting it on something anyways, but if we all sent him $50...he will not only pay for the time and bandwidth, but thats 50x half the users...thats like $50,000 EASY.

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I think it is a bullshit idea.Some peoples parents wont let them use their credit cards.

awwwww that would just be a damm shame........this shouldnt be a kiddie site.....when there old enough to get there own card they can sign up.......

Or maybe ill whop your ass bitch

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Simple as this, if you feel the need to help, send Lee money. If you do, you get your star by your name.


oo! oo! I want a star next to my name!

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Or maybe ill whop your ass bitch

See a prim example of a little kid that doesnt need to be here. I think everyone here has the right to there own opinion and I also think everone should tell it. If you dont like what someone thinks about the subject thats fine. Dont be a little 4 year old and cry about it damn. Change your bloody ass tampax shit!!!!!

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when everyone says they will go elsewhere, where are they meaning? this is the only banshee dedicated site i know about. can someone fill me in on the other sites that are mainly banshee orientated. that way if the site goes down i can get on somewhere else.

www.planetsand.com is pretty much 75% banshee's 24% 250R's and 1% other quads they might not be the best site for motor cross or but they can help you with any motor problems or about anything else there are also alot of builders that post on that site check it out some time



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actually, leaving it free is very cool. So what if you got those 8-18 year olds surfin here.. were'nt you all that age once, and weren't you in to atv? As much as they get on my nerves too, they deserve to know just like the rest of us.


Also, there are 'donate' buttons everywhere. Use em ;) I know Im going to as soon as I have some extra dough. If it comes to it, and Lee has to charge.. he will do good and not mess with us. But before that happens, he may sell the site to one of us.

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www.planetsand.com is pretty much 75% banshee's 24% 250R's and 1% other quads they might not be the best site for motor cross or but they can help you with any motor problems or about anything else there are also alot of builders that post on that site check it out some time


Fro, stop bitching, and stop whining about planetsand. if you love it soooo fucking much, go there. Obviously, you don't need and/or don't want to be here. Bansheehq is NOT a pay site. it is free. So is Planetsand. Take your pick. Or pick both. :rolleyes:

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To be perfectly honest, this site is great the way it is! I like the people on here and like hearing what they have to say.


Why would you make it a pay site just to weed people out or to just show their dedication??


Donations are cool but you can also buy the shirts and stickers to help support this site.


I'm 24 and not a cheap-ass and I would not suscribe.

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awwwww that would just be a damm shame........this shouldnt be a kiddie site.....when there old enough to get there own card they can sign up.......


Yes u are really the mature adult here, im 15 and im more mature than you well ever be, Free is the way to be, and i support the "supporting users" thing

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i don't play xbox blue duece i sit on aim all say  :P 



as usual i cant understand a fuckin word you say......because you cant type and your grammer sucks as well, when you learn how to type, spell and anunciate, type some more bullshit, maybe ill understand it...or just do us all a favor and go to planet sand

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