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Whats A Good Price To Pay For This Site?

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what about us broke ass college students that can barely afford to pay for schooling!! i love my banshee and this site, but i prefer to have it free. everthing else in life you have to pay for, so we deserve to have this for free. as for the snot nosed 14 year old kids, we can just ignore them, and their stupidity. i think this site should be free!! :D

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You guys are real ass holes if you think younger people shouldn't be on this site, Why can't they, i bet half of them are really interested in banshees and all i can say is im old enough to have a credit card and i still don't, you guys are really fucking prejudice. every one says bhq is a good site and its people like you (not including the people who come on and talk bout stupid shit) that will make this site shut down, eventually people won't want to put up with 20 bux or whatever a month.

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This site would never have been as informative as it is if it were a pay site. You will weed out more good than bad I'm afraid. You will get a very low number of new members and as people get new quads and get out of the sport this site will be nothing.




Leave the site as is. Add some paid advertised banners. Hell, start a parts store..that's what I would do if I bought this site. But, don't start charging individuals.

Edited by fixitrod
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This site would never have been as informative as it is if it were a pay site. You will weed out more good than bad I'm afraid. You will get a very low number of new members and as people get new quads and get out of the sport this site will be nothing.

Sad but true :(

Edited by XTShee
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I have to add that I'm 32 and have no problem with younger riders especially if they have an interest in Banshees...since atv's do not get enuff recognition and the Banshee being out-dated and rumored to be a die-ing breed why would anyone want to start to reduce any supporters of either? :huh:

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Look, I am a kid...15 years old. I am not gonna be a little shit about it, becasue I now that is what us kids are basically pertrayed as, but I think he has a point. You have to remember that everybody cannot use a credit card, and we should all have the benefits of using this site. Not tryin to start anythin, just adding my opinion.

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i love the site but i wouldnt pay shit for it

as long as its here ill be a member but when someone wants to charge people for asking questions i think it wouldnt be worth it 'i'd rather call a dealer

just like the kid said....not trying to start an argument but just my idea of things

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I personally think that the system that is set up over on the ATV Connection forums is best. Over there, its free to anyone, but you can pay $15 a year, become a supporting member, get 5x the regular amount or PM's, twice as many photos in your album, and get a hat and stickers. The supporting members(I am one) get extra priveledges (sp?) like having access to the video forum and for sale forum. You would be amazed how many people become supporting members just to have the icon by their name letting everyone know they support the site.


I am 15, and I think the bullshit about weeding out the young kids on this site is pretty damn stereotypical. I know there are plenty of 14 and 15 year olds on here that are more mature and handle themselves better than some people twice our age. :yank:

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I have no prob paying but I think that we will lose alot of input from others. There are some people that have good things like picks or some different ideas but these people just dont post much. Probably because there not on the net much. I feel with a pay site we will only get the few maybe 40-50 of us who check in here everyday to go through the effort to sign up. ;) Just an opinion.

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What would I pay? Whatever it takes, within reason...$50 one-time, $50 or $100 a year: can you really put a price on what you get out of it though?


Do I think it should be a pay site? No. I think it oughta be free, just like I think you should be able to say pretty much whatever you want (a big attaboy to the mods for keeping it real). I don't like the automatic asterisk in the f-word but I'm not gonna get all emotional about it.


Do I have the answer? No, but like everyone else I can offer opinions. If worst comes to worse I might suggest keeping the forums free, with the exception of a locked forum only accessible to paying members. Ideally the site would be self-sufficient, even profitable...it'll take alot of dedicated effort though, and might not ever pay off. NickyPap makes a great point, certainly some of us are capable of selling shirts, decals, calendars, etc. If Lee had a mechanism in place, perhaps people with these skills could sell some HQ gear, contribute part of the proceeds to the HQ, and still make a buck or two. Hell I don't know, if we knew what kinda coin was involved (via a counter or something), those more fortunate of us might donate to the cause...

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I like the idea of keeping it free,and haveing a "supporting member" program where the supporter gets a little something extra.That way the people that can afford a fee can help pay for the site,and those who can't afford it can still get the info they need for free.I think this would work pretty good to help Lee out with the cost.I think a $25.00 a year supporter fee from those who choose to support would go a long way.Just my 2 cents.



:headbang: LONG LIVE THE HQ :headbang:

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I'd pay also, no problem. What I would be concerned with is cutting off the outside. Sure we get some immature dickheads, more here lately, but there are also a lot of people that can share a light on something and would never make it in becuase not wanting to pay up front, or someone new to the banshee and wanting to learn and grow and never gets the opportunity. Sure I'd pay now, but before I ever made it in here, would I have paid without ever seeing it, probably not, well definitely not. I've learned so much from this place and never would have had the chance had Lee been asking me to front some dough to begin with. Now that I've been in here awhile and know what's here to see, hell yeah I'd pay. Lee wants this site to grow as we all should want it to grow, but I think it would turn this place into something different than what we like about it.


Hope that's not too long and it's to the point. It may have already been said, don't know. I read the first few posts and just felt I needed to voice that right off the bat.


Would I pay, just tell me how much.

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awwwww that would just be a damm shame........this shouldnt be a kiddie site.....when there old enough to get there own card they can sign up.......

I agree totally with that. :clap:


I think the idea of a one time joining fee would be ideal. People don't have to be a member to see the amount of info that can be obtained from the site, and I think any die hard banshee fanatic could see spending a small amount to have unlimited access and posting rights to either help someone in need or receive help as well. Even the idea of a dollar a month would be great, hell, make it two dollars a month...well worth it to me.


Aside from the fact it would be nice to give Lee a "pay back" for creating, hosting, and maintaining this site, it would be SO nice not to see the new member that's only good for some sorry ass shit talking. How many BT bitches you think are gonna pay any amount to this site just to make a handful of meaningless posts that do nothing more than irritate people?


I'm all about this idea, just tell me where to sign up :)

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