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Whats A Good Price To Pay For This Site?

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I think it would be a great idea to make up pay a fee for the site. Like a few others have said already, It would weed out the 14 year old that are here to start shit and f*ck with people rather than help everyone out. I think it would also sho who is dedicated to this site and who is here to wast everyones time. But anyway to my hole point of this post . How much does everyone think would be a good price to pay? Should we pay monthly, every couple months or yearly??


Just wondered what others thought about it!

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this site gets a membership fee you are going to lose alot of members and your not gonna get any new members. Advertisment should pay for this site and some. a dollar is not a lot to ask but its a hassle to use paypal for a fucking dollar.


got1banshee ten or twenty dollars for this site a month is ridiculous. Who would pay that. Not me, and who would join after that. This site would go down faster then you can say banshee. The information on this site is priceless, you can't put a dollar amount on it, becasue everyone helps everyone. Why should some 15 year old kid that has no clue what is wrong with his banshee have to ask his parents for 10 or 20 dollars to sign up on this site so they can get some info from so other person in another state or even country, that had a simalar problem.


This site is best the way it is Free. there are no problems with it now. None at all that i can think of. Don't fix what is not broken. Sorry if i sound like a dick, but i am.

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This site is best the way it is Free.  there are no problems with it now.  None at all that i can think of.  Don't fix what is not broken.  Sorry if i sound like a dick, but i am.

Your not being a dick at all guy, you make a good point that is why we all need to talk about it and let Lee know all of our opinions.

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i like the part about weeding out the people who are here to :yank: it.


but i like how its free to all the younger kids too.




when i first saw this site i thought it was kool, but i wouldnt even be here if there was a $10/mo fee just to sign up.


what ever happens lets do it by the year. i dont need to be sent a bill from bhq every month hittin me up for some change.

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What it's worth I think If we all want to chip in why not start with what trades we have to work with. For example, I'm sure somebody on this great site is into printing or silk screens... make up a bunch of cool shirts that we help design and sell back to us... A while back we talked about making/selling calenders... anything for the site to get a cut but the most would probably be from advertising.

just my two cents.

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I agree with dcmoose. I like this site but wouldn't pay to use it. There is alot of good info on here but there is also alot of other free sites to use. And my dealer will answer any question I have about the banshee free also. I like this site to pass the time when I can't be out riding.


It is a good site with cool people, If It Aint Broke Don't Fix It!! :D


If you want to pay for this site then support the sponsors!

Edited by Garagmel
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