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Gas In Transmission

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Are you absolutly, positively frickin sure it's gas?Have you split the cases on that engine before? The way I'm thinking there may be a gap between the cases at the divider between the crank and the tranny.Pressure is pushing it through. :wacko:

shit, this one has me.

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If there is gas in the tranny..then there is oil in the crank case..check it out...This also sounds like a good time to do a leak down test..I don't like doing leak down test as they can damage seals..but it's the fastest way to determine if your seals are still good...hopefully you use yamabond to seal the cases if you split them.

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I keep hearing and reading about checking the primary compression by doing a leak down test. It sounds like I should try this first before I go any further. Is there a leak down kit that I should buy? Would checking the comression at the cylindars give me an indication that the crank seals are bad? I have never split the cases before and I want to make damn sure that I have narrowed down the problem before I tear into it.

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I  keep hearing and reading about checking the primary compression by doing a leak down test. It sounds like I should try this first before I go any further. Is there a leak down kit that I should buy? Would checking the comression at the cylindars give me an indication that the crank seals are bad? I have never split the cases before and I want to make damn sure that I have narrowed down the problem before I tear into it.



I wouldn't go tearing into anything yet. A leakdown test will tell you if a seal is shot. (crank seal). A compression check will telll you what kind of shape the top end is if you know what the compression is on a fresh top end on YOUR motor. Now, I don't have a clue why there is fuel in the tranny. Unless it is leaking out of the carbs, and going in through the clutch actuator arm seal or something. But then there should be water and what not in there.... I would get that oil out of the tranny ASAP. Fill it up with fresh stuff, and see where you go from there....

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It happens, when you get a bad seal between cases, or a blown crank seal, you will vent crank pressure into the tranny. Overtime fuel will accumulate in the oil and contaminate it. That's a tell tale sine of a bad seal..fuel in the oil. Now how much fuel are we talking about? BUT when you leak pressure into the crank, oil will also get into the crankcase. So if it's running rich on the right side..bad crank seal, if it runs like shit after it sits a while, you could be pooling tranny oil in the bottom of the crank. They only way to know for shure is if you had a bore scope and can get it inside the crank, leak down test to check for a good seal or tear the bitch down and rebuild it.

Edited by MotulMonsta
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