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If your running a stock ride, your just asking for trouble. Those front shocks won't last long if your trying to clear 30' doubles. Plus it'll be hell on your entire machine. Stock swingarm is crap and it will break on you, plus with all that abuse don't be suprised if you shit a spindle upon a harsh landing.

Jumping is all about commitment. If you belive your going to make it, 9 times out of 10 you will, but if you doubt yourself, you'll crash and eat it big time.

You know, I've crashed more times then I can remember and Coming up short is painfull, but if you overshoot it, it's just as bad..that hurts too..I remember this one time at my local track, the owner changed this big tabletop step-up and had the landing ramp too short with a nice g-out at the end of it..needless to say I overshot the landing..by a mile.. landed ass end in the g-out and just crushed my balls on the gas tank and split my lip on the cross bar..shit hurt...I had to stop riding for like a half hour to stop the blood and let the swelling go down. But I was back at it.

Edited by MotulMonsta
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