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Ah bite me! :)


I never said anyone else needed that...hehe. But, yeah, primary thing is to decide what you're going to do with it and go from there.


Don't listen to banshee370, as he is an AMD lover, and my 900rr plastic is nice (thank you!) so don't pick on me :) and he likes cheapie motherboards, EIDE drives, and integrated sound and video.

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Ah bite me! :)


I never said anyone else needed that...hehe. But, yeah, primary thing is to decide what you're going to do with it and go from there.


Don't listen to banshee370, as he is an AMD lover, and my 900rr plastic is nice (thank you!) so don't pick on me :) and he likes cheapie motherboards, EIDE drives, and integrated sound and video.

LMFAO! And yes WHY does your plastic look as good as it does? hehehe


Look... I've had good luck w/ AMD.... I have a caviar diet w/ starkis budget! My pc's have always taken everything "I" can throw at it!

ASUS and DFI are not junk mobo's... and whats wrong w/ an integrated video/sound on basic workstations? NOT all my pc's are cheapos :) Just remember you get what you pay for!


PS; my CURRENT pc is a 2.4g P4 INTEL W/ a 10k rpm scsi hard drive

So bite me


www.newegg.com is another great site to get pc parts from

Edited by banshee370
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Now make a list of what you plan on using it for...


Internet (obvious)




I could build you something and ship it to you....

Dont ask Nate....  He uses a PC hader than anyone else I've ever seen! Then ask him about his 900rr plastic :)

Build your PC around what you plan on using it for now and in the future

Building your PC to fit your needs is always the best, that way you're paying only for the things you want/need, not the extra BS that comes with a lot of these "pre-fabbed" PC's. If you're one of the people that don't really care about the specifics and just want a PC to get on the net and play around on then a Dell would be a good idea...cheap priced and a solid PC. If you have any plans on doing anything above and beyond "typical" PC use then have Banshee370 build you one. That way, you can have it built to fit YOUR needs, not just the average everyday user's. B)

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I know, there's really nothing wrong with AMD other than it tends to melt if things fail slightly. The laptop I'm on now (C610) has both of its cooling fans forced running (the magic of Debian) so it stays cool because I make it earn its keep. Right now its compiling stuff on another desktop but staying pretty cool. If you're on a budget and have a reliable cooling system, the AMD is perfectly fine. Dell is just an intel shop though.


Asus makes EXCELLENT mobos. I have the CUSL2 in my workstation -- its over 3 years old now and has never given me a single trouble, ever. The integrated video just sucks balls if you're playing games due to how bad system memory sucks compared to video memory, etc. Integrated sound is fine, I just like picking on the lesser devices... :) If you're gaming, blah to integrated video though, no matter which chipset it seeks to utilize. The all-in-one integrated stuff with the newer chipsets is nice, pricewise, but the performance of the video really suffers.


you need a 15,000 :) Probably little to no difference. most of our servers at work are running 10K rpm drives anyway. What scsi card did you end up with? 19160/29160? good stuff there..


I haven't upgraded mine becasue my work PC is a P4 with hyperthreading, u320 scsi (now!), dvd writer, SATA 120GB drive (storage space!), and a lot more junk.. dual-DVI Geforce FX (ATI fan myself but.. work paid for it), yadda yada. so bite... ah hell who cares.

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once you've gone Mac you wont go back, no pesky microsoft bullshit pissing on your parade, constantly........Mac may only hold 15% of the market, but it's the upper 15%.....

OSX is pretty good. I just thoroughly enjoy busting open a terminal window and having complete *NIX environment at my fingertips. Only problem that sucks is that "root" is a joke in that OS and basically anyone w/ control can get that account and wreck havoc if you're not careful.


Plus remember to unplug your Firewire drives when installing Jaguar so it doesn't screw 'em up by mistake :)


OSX is a good creation though!


oh.. and another link to add to the price bin...


http://www.compgeeks.com. you can find LOTS of useful and useless stuff there, sometimes at dirt cheap prices. It varies and the stuff might be 100% 2 days later. But there are some real steals on there. Got a sidewinder joypad offa there for like $5 once and my DigitalDoc was Ubercheap.

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if you absolutely need to go pc, go with dell, great comp for great price, and unbeatable tech support. unless youre a computer pro, youre gonna want good tech support and if you build your own, you get none of that. if you dont want the hassel of defragging and viruses, go with mac, they are the best and most user-friendly. i would never go back to a pc, but if i had to it would be to a dell or alienware. but alien ware is really only for those serious computer people who might actually need/use all that force.

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Short answer; as others have said it depends on what you want to do, I've had the best luck with Gateway, Dell is fair, and Compaq & HP suck. Building your own is worth the effort if you like that kinda thing but may not save you any dough.


Longer answer; f*ck Dell. Boss has one, wouldn't run C&C Generals (Dimension 2100, cheap bastard bought a Celeron w/Intel on-board video). No prob, just upgrade the video card. Called Dell just to find out if the bitch had a AGP slot...4 calls and an hour on the phone (while looking at the worthless online support), talked to two different Hindu motherfuckers that barely had a grasp of the English language and finally...no AGP slot. Yes I coulda just opened the case but I was at work and the PC was at his house, what else was I gonna do? Great, so it has an ISA slot, no prob, found a GeForce 5200 for ISA, slapped it in, black screen. OK, go to PNY website support, found a FAQ that said the power supply may be insufficient. Fine, got an ATX power supply, plugged it into the Dell mobo, and bzzzzt. Dead power supply. Might be DOA, so I get another: bzzzzt. WTF? Get back online, find out DELL USES PROPRIETARY CONNECTORS. Read that alot of people fried their motherboards as well as the power supply, and a few caught on fire. Greeeeeat. Old power supply goes back in (which is a pathetic 85W by the way), email PNY and finally get the stupid on-board video disabled so it would use the graphics card. Bottom line: Dell's tech support for home PC's is FUCKED. Their components are SHITTY. Yes it's cheap and yes you may never have any probs, but god help you if you do.


I've had similar shitty experiences with Compaq & HP. Run.


I've had excellent experience with Gateway, every time I've had a problem I talked to a competent tech, got the parts ASAP and had little to no downtime. Prices have always been competitive and systems perform excellent.


Alienware looks great for serious gaming, but spendy. I was looking at a decent all-around gaming system from Gateway for $1100 that I would pop for if I had the bucks (similar Alienware was like $1600, no doubt better but is it $500 better?). If you don't need hi-power graphics you can get a decent P4 system for $500-600 from Gateway.


One thing to keep in mind is if you plan on keeping the system for any amount of time, keep your options open: look for lotsa slots & bays, and don't sell yourself short where it counts (FSB mostly and CPU & memory clock speed to a lesser extent). Sorry for the long post, had to vent...

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You might already know this but make sure the DVD burner is a "+" R/RW, or else you won't be able to copy all the fancy schmancy menus and features; DVD+R/+RW.


I'll see what a GW like dat would run ya when I get a chance...

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