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Alright folks. I got me some $$$ saved up. Now, I need a computer. As you may or may not know, I do not own one. I never have. Kind of odd....... :shootself:

I am thinking I want a desktop. Laptops are nice, but I think I can get more use out of a desktop, and pack more stuff in there.. I have been using a laptop for awhile now. But for my very own, I think a desktop is the way I want to go.... Let it fly..... Otherwise, I'm calling Dell..... I know some of y'all can help me out immensely!!! I know there are some computer buffs. Fire it up!!! :cheers:

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Go to their site & check out the home system Dimension 2400. Looks like a good buy. 10% off if you order online AND if I remember correctly they offer free shipping if you order on Wednsedays. ;)


I have the Dimension 2350 here @ work & I love the chit out of it. :cheers:

Edited by ledofthezep
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Alright folks.  I got me some $$$ saved up.  Now, I need a computer.  As you may or may not know, I do not own one.  I never have.  Kind of odd.......  :shootself: 

I am thinking I want a desktop.  Laptops are nice, but I think I can get more use out of a desktop, and pack more stuff in there..  I have been using a laptop for awhile now.  But for my very own, I think a desktop is the way I want to go....  Let it fly.....  Otherwise, I'm calling Dell.....  I know some of y'all can help me out immensely!!!  I know there are some computer buffs.  Fire it up!!!  :cheers:

Alienware computers are slick as hell. They call their computers the ultimate gaming pc, but they're nice for just about anything.


Check 'em out. Wish I'd have gotten one. I did get a dell also, and so far so good.

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i wouldent lean toward dell yet, i know of at least 5 people who bought new dells and have had ongiong problems with them, alien computers are nice...if you have the money and are a big time gamer, i like hp, great comp, owned to never did anything wrong

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I would buy a dell for sure. IMHO the people that have problems with theirs are the ones that don't maintain them for shit...I was shocked to find the number of people that don't cleanup and defrag their hard drives, along with not running any kind of internet firewall or virus scanner. Dell makes an awesome computer especially for the price you would pay. AND you get a warranty. I did, however, come across this online site that I hooked my buddy up with a PC (2.2GHz Intel Processor, 256MB Ram, 40Gig hard drive, on-board sound/video/NIC, w/keyboard and mouse for 450 bucks shipped to his doorstep. Only thing it didn't have was a monitor. He's had it for over a year now and has had nothing but good things to say about it. I'd still go with a Dell ;)

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We have over 50 Dell PC's in our office here in Udall and up in Wichita. We've not had one single problem at all. Take that back...out of the 50 ordered, one came without a mouse. <_<:P I personally don't care at all for HP...work with them quite a bit and their tech support sucks some major ass. Dell has some of the support of all the manufacturers.

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You can't build 'em for less anymore, really. A new Dell, shipped, for like $700 isn't bad.


Couple words of advice.. if you plan to game, don't get an integrated video card. It uses your system memory and 1) your system memory is much slower than video memory, and 2) you lose out on your system memory :)


Dell isn't bad for reliability. Some series (GX400s for instance) have a faulty area like the power supplies. Most of the newer ones are pretty good though. They ship you parts and a tech if needed like the next day so if it breaks, its not hard to fix. Gateway is bottom of hte barrel for reliability if I remember right.


Mostly, it depends on what you wanna use it for.


Do NOT buy an HP/Compaq. Dell at least adheres to ATX standards so if something goes wrong down the road (like the mobo going out) you are not stuck buying proprietary stuff like HP and Compaq use. You can get a good ATX mobo and slap it in and be good to go. Gateway is good for ATX standard stuff too. Plus, the compaq/HP cases are crappy as hell and hard to work with. And, usually really cramped. Compaq servers are really nice but their workstations just suck.


And last.. if you can afford it.. .go with a Pentium series and not a Celeron. The AMD processors (which, incidently, Dell does not use) are nice and fast also but a lot more poorly designed. If your processor fan fails... the P3/P4 will just slow down immensly before the hardware monitor goes nuts upon reboot. The AMD will just melt melt melt and usually take the board with it.


Mmmmmmmmmm... thermal failure... questions? ask me. I've been doing this for a long time and deal with it every day and am a computer nut. Debian Linux rules.. :) and i'm about 2 weeks from my RHCE.. :)

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i was talking about Alienware computers  they cost like 3 grand you can build one bitchen computer for 3 grand

Oh, yeah, no kidding for that much!


I'm running an 866 P3 here with a Radeon 9700 (old card bit the dust). Its got ultra160 scsi, 15,000 rpm hard drive. at 3.4ms seek and a 15,000 spindle speed... it is untouchable! (except u320..heh). People keep buying faster processors and wasting their money on something thats $200 more for 100mhz faster and the same FSB speed and not noticeable, and aren't upgrading the slow things like the EIDE subsystem. If you can afford it, SCSI is unbeatable.


My new one is just going to be a newer P4 w/ hyperthreading. Need a new mobo. power supply, case, memory, and processor.. and gonna drop everything else into it. video, SCSI system, ATA/133 drives.



The 15,000 rpm drive will strike fear into your very soul when you hear it spin up...

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I too am a big fan of the Dell computer. Had Compaqs in the past, and hated them. I got a Dell 4550 2.5Ghz Processor, 512MB DDR Ram (pc2700) 2 Hard Drives: #1 a 60 GB 7200RPM Seagate, and #2 is a Serial ATA (SATA) 120GB 7200RPM 8mb Cache Drive (for video editing/capture). Great computer for the price, and its upgradeable like everyone said! Never had a problem installing Harddrive/Raid Cards/ DVD RW drive/ or Firewire cards!


Get a Dell!

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I build a TON of PC's for friends and customers. I ONLY prefer custom built PC's since you get to pick exactly what you want. I've built PC's for friends across the net a few times. Ask Evil... I built him one too... And Backcountry....

My suggestion is get a price in mind of whats the max you want to spend.

Now make a list of what you plan on using it for...


Internet (obvious)




I could build you something and ship it to you....

Dont ask Nate.... He uses a PC hader than anyone else I've ever seen! Then ask him about his 900rr plastic :)

Build your PC around what you plan on using it for now and in the future

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