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Dirt Digger Clutch

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sredish, what didnt you like about the digger? what kind or riding do you do? i do mostly trails. i have heard good things about the digger and iv heard some bad things. all i know is that the digger only costs 10 more than the stock clutch so i was definatly not going to get the stock. i wanna take off the parking brake assembly too, will i need to get a new lever or will i be able to take it off the stock one?

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you probably won't go wrong with the dirtdigger, but the EBC seems to grab a little harder. Might just be the springs also, I put in some stronger springs from EBC. I like them both, and the I haen't tested longevity on the EBC, though a bud says it's much longer.


I didn't really mean that dirtdigger is a bad clutch, just seem to like the EBC better. Can't go wrong either way.

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