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My first wreck and I broke some bones I barrel rolled down a steep hill in the end I got a broken rib a broken wrist a bruised hip and road rash all over the right side of my body I hit the ground so hard my helmet flew off.

The banshee did three rolls landed upside down and had no damage got to love those BANSHEEs.

I had to type with my left so pardon any mistakes.Anyways thats why I havent posted in a while not that anybody asked :P .

Anyways I should be good for the trip to COALFEST...

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Sorry to hear you got hurt man. Ya start gettin on the gas and havin fun and shit and ya just forget how dangerous these things really are. Good thing you had a helmet on though. I took a jump bad this weekend and landed on my left back tire somehow, flew of the bike and landed on my back. Turned around just in time to kick the bike so it didnt land on me. I think I jacked up my kidney, but I not pissin blood so I didnt go to the doctor. I jacked up the bike though, bent bars, stering stem, plastics and couple other things. Good thing its the end of the season out here in cali though.

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