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Let's Go Yankees

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Lets go Yankees Clap Clap clapclapcap. Tommorow is opening day for the yanks and i wanted to act like a resposible yankee fan, and say Boston sucks, Mets Suck, and basicly if you like any other team beside the yanks, they suck too. So lets hear all you whinning babies talk shit about the greatest sports dynasty ever.

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Yankees SUCK! :ph34r:

if going to more series, winning more serries, and winning more penants then any other team is "sucking" then yes i guess they do suck







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if going to more series, winning more serries, and winning more penants then any other team is "sucking" then yes i guess they do suck


ummmm, i don't know anything more to say that.


I would of thought that there would be more sports fans than this. I thought the yankees were the "evil empire" and everyone hated them. I would of figured you guys would of been tearing me apart a little more then this!!!

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