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In Dire Need Of Help!

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needles are going in, all i need to know is which way the slides face when they are inside the carb thats all I need to know.

If you look into the carbs from the air filter side.....INTO THE ENGINE.... you should see a cut away. The "back" part of the slide should just barely be open if you can even see it open.

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If it is revving to the moon then your slides are not closing all the way.

Like bigtreads said and you probably know, you must line up the pin in

the bore with the slot in the slide. If the slides where closing enough

then the engine could not possibly get enough air to rev high...therefore

your slides are NOT closeing properly. Like has already been said, there

are only 3 things that will keep the slides from closing all the way. Either

the pin in the bore is not lined up with the slot in the slide, or the slot is lined

up but your needle is not in proper position, or your cable is hanging it up...

adjust it or whatever, but you have to get your slides down. I know from

experience it can be a bitch to get the slides to fall down into position

sometimes, even when the pin IS lined up, but when it falls into position

you will know it, because it drops. I'm thinking they are just not dropped

into full proper position. Take them out and try again.

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If it is revving to the moon then your slides are not closing all the way.

Like bigtreads said and you probably know, you must line up the pin in

the bore with the slot in the slide.  If the slides where closing enough

then the engine could not possibly get enough air to rev high...therefore

your slides are NOT closeing properly.  Like has already been said, there

are only 3 things that will keep the slides from closing all the way.  Either

the pin in the bore is not lined up with the slot in the slide, or the slot is lined

up but your needle is not in proper position, or your cable is hanging it up...

adjust it or whatever, but you have to get your slides down.  I know from

experience it can be a bitch to get the slides to fall down into position

sometimes, even when the pin IS lined up, but when it falls into position

you will know it, because it drops.  I'm thinking they are just not dropped

into full proper position.  Take them out and try again.

Hell, I've even had the cable at the thumb throttle pull out a little and catch on the cable casing and rev to the moon. Check everything.

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needles are going in, all i need to know is which way the slides face when they are inside the carb thats all I need to know.

If you look into the carbs from the air filter side.....INTO THE ENGINE.... you should see a cut away. The "back" part of the slide should just barely be open if you can even see it open.

is the shape of the cutaway like a halfmoon?

kinda like this guys mouth --- > :(



guys the probelm at hand is wether or notthe slides are facing the correct way.I took my carbs apart a while back to change the clip position and I think I got the slides mixed up. I know it has to go in the notch but if u get the wrong slide in the wrong carb it will still go in place it will just have a different face and back.

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Yes, from your first post it sounds like you do have the slides in correct. The cuttaway section on the slide (frown shape :( ) faces the rear of the bike. You can take off your air filter and look into your intake to verify this. Also look into your intake to verify that both of the slides are going all the way down. The choke tube will make it bogg and barely run or kill it so I doubt it is that. Really sounds like an air leak or a stuck throttle cable or the slide in the carbs are not going all the way down.

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the slides can only go in one way due to a small pin in the barrel that the slides go in - that is why there is a channel cut into the slide. So if the slides are not lined up with this pin they will not go to the bottom which is where idle would be. If they are not lined up the slides will be about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the top of the carb. If the slide is actually going to the bottom your finger will most likly just be long enough to touch the slide. If the slides are still at the top it will act like it is running wide open - cause it is. OK now that that has been determined are the needles bent and not going into the main jet ? if so you would get basicly the same result with near wide open running and hard starting etc. Of coarse you may know all this to but this can be frustrating the first few times around

You can get the slides in the wrong carbs by turning the slides around backwards. Then the pin slides through the correct groove in the slide, but is facing the opposite direction.


What are you using to adjust the idle? Are you using the nuts where the cables enter the TORS or the bigger knobs on top of the TORS facing the seat? The ones facing the seat are the ones you use.

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You can get the slides in the wrong carbs by turning the slides around backwards.  Then the pin slides through the correct groove in the slide, but is facing the opposite direction.


What are you using to adjust the idle?  Are you using the nuts where the cables enter the TORS or the bigger knobs on top of the TORS facing the seat?  The ones facing the seat are the ones you use.

I tried using the cable adjusters and the tors knobs but nothing. I think my idle is set to high and for some reason I cant adjust it. gonna crack her open and check out the deal. Im trying to im you through AIM krmit

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Like they said the cut out part towards the filter and line up the slot to the pin on the side that should get it to go down half way they give it a little twist up and down to get the needles to find there hole. They should drop all the way down and leave a small 1-2mm space one the bottom, look at them off the boots so you can verify it does this and that will tell you you have the right and left slides in the correct carb and then take it apart and put them on the boots.

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Wow, your making this tough.


Unhook the throttle cable so there is not tension to the slide in the carb. You can unhook it from the tors or the carb slides themselves. I'd suggest the carb slides. So, you will drop the carb slides in without a cable, but keep the springs in there. If it still idles high, the trouble is in the carb. If not, you need to diagnois the cable or tors boxes.


Make it a step by step process. I still think you have the cable hung up somewhere or tight somewhere.

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