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In Dire Need Of Help!

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I am talking about stock carbs here


I think I mismatched the slides when I put my carbs back together. I put them back together on what I thought was the correct way according to the parts manual but when I start it all it wants to do is rev to the moon. Tried jetting it richer but all it wants to do is rev. I just want to make sure I put them in correctly if someone can show me a picture or tell me which way. One side of the slide has like a half moon and the other side is flat. Right now I have the flat side fwd and the "half moon" aft.



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If I am not mistaken, the side with the slant should be facing towards you, when looking from the air filter side...been a while since I've opened my carbs up...Someone correct me if I'm wrong though

You're right. The flat part should be on the cylinder side.


The throttle cable is what it sounds like to me. After you put the slides back in, look in the carbs and blip your throttle to make sure both slides move in sync.

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still rev's like crazy, im not sure though how much of a gap i have to have for it to idle. I think that it might just be running seriously lean. I have 290s in it right now. TOmorrow I am going to get more jets

Your mains will have very little to do with what it does at idle. It could be that one or both of your pilot jets are clogged, but it sounds more like something with your throttle cables or idle. Try turning the idle way on down and see what happens.

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I start it up and it just revs like crazy, I pull the choke out and the revs go down so thats telling me its running lean. Any input?


also, I pull in the front brake all the way and the bike is producing so much torque that its just dragging the front tires in the grass and concrete while its barely idling

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I start it up and it just revs like crazy, I pull the choke out and the revs go down so thats telling me its running lean. Any input?


also, I pull in the front brake all the way and the bike is producing so much torque that its just dragging the front tires in the grass and concrete while its barely idling

Your idle is too high dude. Pulling out the choke richens the mix so much it's bogging down your motor. Lower the idle as far as it will go, give it a little throttle and fire it up. It won't idle like that but at least maybe you'll see what I'm talking about.

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do you have an idle kit on your carbs? on the slides there is a spot on each side where the screw rests, if you have them backwards it would hold the throttle open pretty far. i would check that... good luck just make sure that if you have idle screws that they are hitting the slides the way they should be. the slides have a left and right that cant be switched.

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the slides can only go in one way due to a small pin in the barrel that the slides go in - that is why there is a channel cut into the slide. So if the slides are not lined up with this pin they will not go to the bottom which is where idle would be. If they are not lined up the slides will be about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the top of the carb. If the slide is actually going to the bottom your finger will most likly just be long enough to touch the slide. If the slides are still at the top it will act like it is running wide open - cause it is. OK now that that has been determined are the needles bent and not going into the main jet ? if so you would get basicly the same result with near wide open running and hard starting etc. Of coarse you may know all this to but this can be frustrating the first few times around

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