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Could someone please verify the jetting my dealer used? Based on all I've read here it looks to be too lean.


Banshee bored .040 over

Toomey T5 pipes w/silencers and hush kit

K&N 2 into 1 filter with holes in airbox, using lid, no snorkel

V-force reeds

pro design cool head w/ 20cc domes

+4 degree advance

pro design boost bottle

spacer on reed cages

32:1 premix

870 ft above sea level


Using Toomey needles


Dealer installed 250 mains and 25 pilots


Only ran a short time. Flywheel came loose and now installing new flywheel and crank. Now you know why I don't trust dealers work.


temps 50-60, probably 60-70 time I get this done.


That has to be the most lean setup i have ever seen! :whoa:


Jetting will vary from machine to machine but with ONLY a toomey pipe you should already have 280 mains.. now with the k&N AND vforce i would DEFINATLY start somewhere around 340 and you could still be on the lean side


Since you have it appart anyways.. how do the pistons look?

i would go STRAIT back to the dealer if something isnt ok with the engine because of the lean setup.


Top end was rebuilt at Christmas with .040 bore from stock. Right cylinder piston top was clean as new. Found a pinhole in the stock head dome. I guess the dealer didn't do a vacumn/pressure test after rebuild. Going to be doing eveything myself from now on. Too costly and too many mistakes at dealer. Had to find bolts for half the plastics, carb top loose & stripped and had to replace carb, replace crank and flywheel from flywheel coming loose, and now could of been redoing top end again. $800 for rebuid and $625 since back from dealer & only rode 5 hours max.

Thanks Patriot Racing for some great used parts.


Thanks for the jetting help.


Is there a torque setting for the mains? Is the jet supposed to go through the splash guard? I found one jet tightened on the plastic splash guard and one so tight it went through the hole. Can't find anything in the clymers.


Thanks Holyman for the kicker rebuild instructions. I will try this while I have everything apart.


Main goes onto the splash guard or into it....start w/ 350 mains, needle in the 4th clip from blunt end and stock pilots and adjust air screws to throttle response....


You really don't need the splash gaurds cause I run without them with no problem. As far as the dealership I work in the shop at one and I would take that back and make them fix their mistakes. It sounds like some rookie worked on your bike. My boss the service manager does all the high performance work and if something is not done right he will fix it to keep the customer happy.

Here is the dealer and you



which is the dealer, and is this the actual screwing or what he does to the dealer after the screwing.


here's me after the dealer screwing. :blink:banghead:shootself::cry:

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