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U Know What I Hate


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u know what i fuckin hate

i hate them guys that have quad shops that dont know shit they think they know everything

i hate the shops that only open when they want at whatever time

i hate the lazy basterd employees that whine and cry when u ask them to mount a tire or look for a part that u need

and the dumbass owners that r there bumbling around lookin stupid while u r there gettin parts

i hate standin there and waitin for hours in the winter tryin get quad parts and all the snowmobilers r there whining cuz their dumb stupid snowmobiles clutch went crazy or blew up they never leave they r always there even in the summer

i hate the guys that come in and r lookin for a visor for their street helmet and they worker tells them they dont have it then they whine that they have to have it @ this time and it has to be this color and it has to have a tinted screen and all this other bullshit

well im about ready to start my own shop banshees only no other junkers no stupid snowmobiles no crotch rockets nuthin BANSHEES ONLY

sorry about the long post but i cant take the shops around here anymore tell me what u think would this kinda shop work

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If I had the cash flow I would start a Yamaha Shop like no other. Everyone that worked there would either know what the hell is going on, or they would be out on their ass.

None of this calling the dealer looking for a part. They say its in, at this price. You get there, its not in, or they give you the wrong part, and the price is 3 dollars more than what was quoted to you over the phone.

The first thing I would do is kick out all the red necks hanging out trying to become someones friend. Then I'd give the boot to all the dumb assed employees. I'd just fire everyone and do it myself.

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If I had the cash flow I would start a Yamaha Shop like no other. Everyone that worked there would either know what the hell is going on, or they would be out on their ass.

None of this calling the dealer looking for a part. They say its in, at this price. You get there, its not in, or they give you the wrong part, and the price is 3 dollars more than what was quoted to you over the phone.

The first thing I would do is kick out all the red necks hanging out trying to become someones friend. Then I'd give the boot to all the dumb assed employees. I'd just fire everyone and do it myself.

AMEN brother!!! :clap:

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i didnt say i was that bad now i dont have a mullet :headbang: i listen to disturbed metallica slipknot stuff like that not that cruddy hillbilly stuff i like baggy jeans matched with a t-shirt not overalls in the summer i live in the hills i drive a beat up truck though cuz i dump all my $$ into the shee

joe dirt: i can see down ur shirt

gotta love the shit though gotta love it

oh yea is any1 out there interested in sum bumms because around here we have plenty i just thought i could maybe relocate a few dozen or like the crock hunter does with crocidiles

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I can add some more fuel to your fire about the stealerships...I just got back from them and those crooks charged me 35 bucks for 4 stinkin pilot jets!!!!!! Highway robbery!!!! :angry: They charged me 8 bucks a piece for the 30 pilot and 6 bucks a piece for the 32.5! AHHHHRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG :angry: WTF?


Oh, and by the way, BenBB, if you read this...THANK YOU for putting the Yamaha part #'s in your FAQ!!! Without them, they couldn't find the jets I needed. Damn retards at the dealership!!! :angry:

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I hate dealers so much, i pretty much buy everything out of catalogs online, unless its something small that i think might be at the dealer even though they wont even have that!!


LoL we have a loccal Hermit up in the hills of Redfield. He lives in a little hut out in the woods. :evil:

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about 10 miles from house there is a place called hawkins hollow u have to watch ridin down that road the lil dirty kids play in the street at all hours almost every1 there has dirt floors and oil heat but they all have at least 2 dishes on their rooth they get welfare and free food and shit but they can pay for cable that makes me angry too basterds

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oh yea is any1 out there interested in sum bumms because around here we have plenty i just thought i could maybe relocate a few dozen or like the crock hunter does with crocidiles

Shit man. If you wanted to relocate some bums here you could, but only if we get to exchange 2 hippies, and 1 environmentalist for every bum you send us.

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I just got back from them and those crooks charged me 35 bucks for 4 stinkin pilot jets!!!!!! Highway robbery!!!!


I gottcha beat there... i just paid $12 each, and no lube or kiss......... :cry:

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And here I thought I was the only unfortunate one to have a SORRY ASS dealership in my town that is full of lazy dumb-ass slow-ass goofy bastards that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground but think they know everything about everything, and if they even look your way they are doing you a favor in thier eyes, and they charge $45 for a $21 dollar part and don't even have the son of a bitch in stock, tell you it'll be there on Tuesday, you call on Wednesday and the shit STILL isn't there then they hang up the phone without even saying bye or they're sorry for wasting your time.........GOD DAMN STEALERSHIPS SUCK!!!!! banghead

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