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Horrible Scene At Track

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We went to the track (watkins in colorado)..not long after we got there a guy caught some air coming down a hill and collided with another rider.. they called in the helicopter and performed CPR on him for what seemed to be forever..the heli left without him..he stayed at the bottom of the hill, covered with blood and a white sheet. you could see his body, lying at the bottom of this hill and you rode by..for a long long time...


Damn I hate to see stuff like that. that poor guy...I didnt get a good look at him..but I heard he was about 40..and looked to be someone who had been riding a long time. He went out doing what he loved apparently..


but hey guys..if you are the praying type, say a little prayer for a lost brother and the ones who loved him please..someone out there got some news tonight and their lives will never be the same..ride careful..





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boy that really sucks. shit like that happens every day all over the world and I hate to see it. I had a freind killed on a snowmobile this year and it just really sucks to have to go through that shit. He had a wife and 3 kids the oldest was 10 now what will happen with them. Its just a big bummer!! :(

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We all feel a little invincible riding our hot rods, but we need to all remember that we are mortal and to keep a little thought of safety in the back of our mind, and sometimes bad things are just unpreventable. Thoughts go out do the downed rider. :cry:

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We all feel a little invincible riding our hot rods, but we need to all remember that we are mortal and to keep a little thought of safety in the back of our mind, and sometimes bad things are just unpreventable.  Thoughts go out do the downed rider.  :cry:



I plan on hitting Sand Mountain over Easter, and of the 3 times I've been, never had one day pass where someone wasn't killed. It travels through the camps like a wildfire, and then I usually end up talking to a cop or ranger about it. Usually 3-4 per Easter weekend. Some are true accidents other are braisen carelessness. Quite a few injurys are drinking related too. When I'm out there over the weekend I go to see the bikes, see the races, see what the hell K&T, and Larry Short are going to pull out this year. There is sometimes a guy with a ramp pulling off Freestyle tricks too, like a big carnival. But its inevitable....you hear people talking, someone says something to someone else, pretty soon someone walks past your camp...'Hey..did you hear about ........." Then I realize that crowd of bikes half way up the mountain wasn't spectators watching a drag race.


The last one I missed (thank God I was out in the dunes riding, but I had to ride past the site on my way back) was a 15 year old kid on a banshee that was riding up near the razor on the face of Sand Mountain when a guy on a yz250 jumped the razor. This kid caught it in the chest. The razor goes the whole height of the mountain, but these 2 were lined up perfectly. There must have been 50-60 bikes up on the mountian to see what heppened when I saw the heli comming over.


Ride within your limits, ride safe, and above all ride smart.

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