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I need some advice on jetting. Last year I melted a top end with this combo:


Stock cylinders

.040 forged Vito's super stock pistons

Vito's 4 degree timing key

Vito's hemi head w/ 22 cc. domes

TDR reed cage mod w/ carbon fiber reeds

Toomey T-5's (jet hot sterling coated)

Pro-Design Adapter w/ K&N w/ outer wear

Stock carbs w/:

27.5 or 30 piots?? I forget:)

Vito's red needles on the fourth groove from the blunt end

330 mains w/ a bog on top......Was instructed to go to 300 mains and melted

I think the bog was a rich bog but should I try 350's just for security???


I'm ready to go back to the wiseco's w/ the airbox lid on w/ (12) 1" vents and 280's

it ripped down low but w/o the lid it pulls 1000-1500 rpm higher.?????


Help I just put my firecat away and need to ride w/o blowing up


I'd start w/ a 360 mains w/ the lid off, needles are good, pilots will vary w/ mods, you just have to try different ones to your shees likings.......Firecat...nice, I have an '03 F7 red w/ arctic graphics....Imagine that motor in a shee!!!!

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