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Liscense Requirement?

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Well, on Wed. afternoon/evening, at about 6:00 P.M., I was on my way home from work going 35 MPH. Directly in front of me, I mean directly, about 4-5 carr lengths, a red 4-door Buick Century pulls out. I just get my foot to the brake, and I T-boned the vehicle directly between the front and rear wheels as they were attempting to cross my lane to travel in the opposite direction as I was travelling. Turns out that the person I hit is 81 years old. His wife is close to the same age, and was also in the vehicle. Every witness there said as I did that they couldn't believe that such an assinine maneuver was even attempted. He couldn't have seen me coming. Headlights on and everything I had!!!! So, now, the New York State police are holding my car hostage, and waiting for a vehicle accident inspection because the guy is in serious condition and they fear he may die. What I find extremely odd is the fact that NOTHING on the back seat of my S-10 blazer came off the seat. I had a SHITLOAD of change in the "trough" that is near the cupholder, kind of tough to explain, but change constantly falls out going around corners and what not and only a small amount fell out. What I am saying is that it was not a hard impact at all. I would estimate that I was going about 30 when it happened. :shootself: You can bet your ass that if this fella dies, that there will be one helluva lawsuit against me, for his own negligent actions. my insurance agent already told me that. I was not ticketed, I was allowed to leave the scene with my wife when she got there. They even had mercy Flight, (the helicopter transport unit, like medivac, or whatevrer you have in your area) on the way but called it off and just ambulanced them in. I couldn't belieeve it. I guess elderly folk are not as resilient as others. if it had been someone half his age, I think judging from the damage existing on the vehicles that they would have walked away. The guy had a cut on his right wrist. That was it. And now he's in serious condition. What a friggin week. So, I had to get my friggin tires out of the basement in the snow last night, dig out NOTSMALL, and put the tires on it so I could make it to work. I haven't driven my truck in 3 years in the winter. Now I have to get salt all over it. Guess i'll be re-painting the undercarriage this summer..... This sucks...... :wacko:

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Damn boon, sorry to hear that...I had a similar accident but the chick that pulled out in front of me was young so they didn't think anything of it; they just gave her the ticket and she ended up payin for my car to get fixed. I swear, old people DO NOT BELONG ON THE ROAD!!! They're always in the way and holding up traffic. I really hope things will work out for you, and that the old geezer doesn't croak. Do you have ANY witnesses that can back you up?

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Man, that really sucks! Is there any evidence that you tried to stop? like tire marks? The outcome could come down to that. A similar thing happened to a friend of mine. he was driving his mint 79 dodge pickup(he loved that thing), and some guy swerved into his lane and hit him head on and his truck hit another car with 2 old ladys in it. The guy who caused it had no liscense and no insurance, so the 2 old ladys have been suing my friend, since they could'nt get anything out of the other guy. He's been battling those old ladys now for 4 years! (and by the way, those old ladys did'nt even get a scratch)

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I tried to stop, but just as i got my foot to the brake, I hit 'em. There was at least one witness. I believe there was more.... We'll see how this all pans out. I am battling with insurance right now, because I do NOT want to be driving my truck... I want at least a rental or somethin....

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Boonan hate to here that man. in the accident report did they trooper put the old folk at fault? If so his insurance company should cover u getting a rental car. Thats how it is in NC. With him pulling out in front of you like that you should be good. Might try and get you civily though. Any skid marks or not enough time to react?

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well if he crossed your lane he "impeeded the flow of traffic" I wouldnt sweat it, if what happened is what you said its his fault. Doesnt matter if you tried to stop or not, if you were speeding, whatever. you had the right of way



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That SUCKS.Down here in Florida they are trying to pass a law that doesnt allow people over a particular age to drive,for that same reason ,they cause to many accidents.

As far as the investigation goes ,down here the investigator is supposed to get to the scene to be able to determin who was at fault.They didnt give you any tickets, so all an all you should be alright.Goodluck BOON.

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Darwin gets them every time. :shootself: Yeah, watch those insurance MFers closely <_< . They will always act in their own interset and not yours. Sometimes they will offer a settlement to the other party even though it is the other parties fault if they think it will keep it from going to court. My wife got hosed one time by the insurance when she was rear ended while slowing to make a left hand turn. If they try to hike your rates or anything I would get a lawyer = :evil:

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this guy my brother does work for who has lou gerihgs disease actually drives. It is the scariest thing ive ever seen. He can barely walk with a walker, and is in a scooter wheel chair thing most of the time and has the reflexes of a brick. its scary peoiple like that can drive. theres got to be some requirment to retake a road test after a certain age and every year or so after that.

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Its not law here in MA but the general guideline is if you T-bone someone from center to front its their fault, if you hit em aft of the passenger compartment its your fault (state believes you could have manuveured in this situation). Since we are both no fault states its probably the same.


I think you'll be found not at fault because you hit him dead center. Here i've never heard a person faulted for a dead center hit (unless they ran a redlight or stop sign). Take it for what its worth.

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