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Got1banshee's Banshee

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rick came up to st joe today to do a little dragging with me. first off his bike looks sweet with the flames. it looks even better in person than his pictures. we went and did a few drags in the grass and he got whooped by the yfz450!! well i mean he was spinning thru 6 gears while i took off. :rolleyes: we went down to the road and lined up and took off and his front end went up and he about hit my mailbox. this thing cannot keep the tires on the ground. then we did some rolling starts with the 450 and my brothers banshee. he walked on both so easily. i must say passion did a hell of a job with it. i got to ride it and its rediculous fast, plus its got a twist throttle so its about half scary. watch out for rick (when he learns to ride :P ) cuz if you dont all you are gonna see is his rear end.

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I just watched that one video of the Cr 500 and your bros banshee and your Yfz. That was pretty sweeet. That Yfz and Preddy werent too far behind, very impressive for 4 strokes.

the yfz and pred would be nowhere in sight if my brothers gearing was stock. hes geared 12/41 right now. it pulls really hard but if it had the 14 tooth up front hed be goooone. the yfz and pred are both really quick 4 wheelers tho.

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Yeah me and mail boxes dont get along haha. As most of you know I am a very unexperianced banshee rider. I have riden utilaty quads most of my life and its like a night and day diff from my Kodiak and banshee. It scares the holy shit out of me and I am not sure about that twist throttle. That basterd about killed me today when I jumped at Tylers house, I accadently gave it gas haha alot of gas and about fliped it back on my haha. It will take awhile to get use to all that power and get use to the bike as well. I will be absalutly carful with it because it WILL kill you haha specialy if your a rookie like me and have no buisness having this much engine haha. Thanks Tyler I had fun and hopfully we will have more time and the weather will be alot better next time. I called Jim when I was on my way home and he is sending me bigger pilots so we will see what that does. Then I should be like :bolt: when I race you next hahaha



Oh, and I am also going to put that 15t back on the front. I think the 14 is way to low, I have to shift way to sone. And put that +4 swing and she should run alot better.

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well the swingarm is done and it looks goood. i got rid of some of the bullshit on it. the front skidplate mounts mainly and i smoothed everything out. looks pretty nice and itll look even better with paint :whoa::D i looove the new smilies. :dance: anyway, yea ill send it to you. i dont know how much itll cost but ill get it to you and we will work it out later. pm me your address and what not. peace :bolt:

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