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Is This True?

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anouther quick question today i tried removing my rear hubs for paint the left side came right off but i cant seem to budge the right a friend told me that the right side on all bikes have reverse threads is he right? he dont have a bike or ever has as far as i know so i figured id better check before screwin nut all up and right or not has anyone ran into this before and has any tips for removeing nut thats so tight? thx


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I just had mine off the other day (for the same reason)...both side are regular(lefty loosey righty tighty) threads.

If it's on that tight, use something that'll give you a little extra leverage to break it loose..like a 1/2" piece of conduit, over the ratchet handle..or tap the ratchet handle w/ a hammer....if it still doesnt come off...put some penetrating oil on it, let it sit for a few minutes and then try...It shouldn't be on that tight, but....

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are they the stock hubs ? try the wd 40 and soak trick, make sure you get it in there really good, sometimes they can be a p.i.t.a. to remove due to all the crud that gets in them.

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To break them loose I always use a half inch socket wrench with an extension and use a jack stand to support the extension evenly with the nut......then I give it a good stomp and it usually breaks loose. You may need someone to hold the other tire....even in gear to get it to stop spinning.

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thx for replys gonna go try again this morning what was concerning me was the way the axl was bending with the applied press? how hard is it to bend axl? and i tried socket and hammer i think next is lube and impact from work

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