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Flooded Cyl


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Here is the backstory: A few weeks ago, I was riding and the screw on cap on the spark plug came loose inside the boot it wasn't making a good connection. I got it fixed on the trail, but it wouldn't fire. I figured the plug was fouled so I limped back to the truck to change the plug. Once I done that, it still wouldn't fire and was spitting gas out of the exhaust. I tried swapping coil wires, no difference. I have let the bike set for the few weeks, and when I started it tonight, same thing, the cly is full of gas I guess.


Now, my question is, is there a good trick to fixing it? Just let it sit and dry or what? Thanks

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If the cylinder is fulll of fuel, it won't start..... Pull the plug out, and fire the bike up on the other cylinder.. THis should clear out the cylinder.... Check the compression on that side. COmpare it to the other side..... If compression is good, and you have spark, than it should fire when you throw fuel into the equation. reeds wouldn't be a bad thing to check either as aforementioned....

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