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Mods For A Newb

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Need some help with a couple things. I'm sure it's been discussed to death, but here we go.

We ride in the sand at 4500 above sea level.

My boy wants toomys, t5 or t6 which are better and why.

Also, his bike over heats at the dunes. Time for a cool head. What kind and what domes should we get.

He has clamp on k&ns so what do reeds do, and what do you have to get, cages and boost bottle?

He only weighs 80 lbs so he's going to be pretty fast anyway.

Sorry for so many questions, but looks like you guys know your stuff..

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My boy wants toomys, t5 or t6 which are better and why.

Generally the T5's are prefered for ported engines. If you're not planning on doing any port work, then the t6 will perform better. Either pipe will work great though.


Also, his bike over heats at the dunes. Time for a cool head. What kind and what domes should we get.

There's some argument as to how much extra cooling a cool head will actually give you. I'd look at your radiator first. If you've got a bunch of bent fins, straighten them with a screwdriver and a toothpick. Either that or pick up a slightly used one off of ebay for $30 or so. Also, several companies make aftermarket large capacity radiators for anywhere between $250 - $400 that will really make a huge differance. Also, check ebay for inline coolers. I got an 18-fin for about $20 and it lowered my temp 10 degrees. You can run 2 of these and probably not have to worry about overheating again. Another cheap fix is to get some foam from an autoparts store and fill in the gap around the radiator. There's pictures of this under the tips and tricks forum, in a post entitled "inline coolers - bigger is better". If you're going with a cool head, DLNoss on this site makes some very nice ones (his banner pops up from time to time while your on the board). Dome size is really dependant upon how much power you want, whether you've advanced your timing, and whether you want to be able to continue just using pump gas. Best guess is that at your elevation, you could probably run 18cc domes on pump gas, maybe 17cc. DLNoss is a better person to ask about this.


He has clamp on k&ns so what do reeds do, and what do you have to get, cages and boost bottle?

Reeds allow the air fuel mixture to flow into the cylinder, and not back out. The stock reeds are fairly restrictive so some power gains can be had by getting new reeds and cages. Reeds vary in stiffness, so replacing the stock reeds and keeping the cages will effect where the power hits. I believe that a stiffer reed gives more low end, but I could be off on this. As far as the boost bottle goes, its a complete waste of money. If it gives any performance gains, they're so minimal that you'd never be able to tell.



Hope this helps and welcome to the HQ

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I don't think an 80 lb rider would be overheating a properly jetted Banshee with cooling system operating correctly. So first look at jetting. If too lean it's going to run hot. Were carbs correctly rejetted for K&N's? Then carefully inspect and flush out cooling system. We have had many posts here that "cool heads" may not really have much to do with keeping things cool. IMO, an 80 pound rider probably doesn't need aftermarket pipes either. You should consider having your son run stock pipes for some time until he gets bigger and really learns to handle the Banshee. He also might stay healthier. Now if we are talking about a 200 lb father, why didn't you say so in the first place? We understand that.

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I'll get you some pictures of the boy riding his shee. He's a pretty good rider and doesn't attempt what he thinks is over his head. He's had a 250 ex, 300 ex, rode moms 400 ex for a while, now he has the shee. Must suck being an only child..


On an off subject, his 3 man young guns paintball team placed 4th in the Vegas tourney a couple weeks ago...

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Last time I went to dumont there was this 90 pound 12 year old spankin all my boys up the hill. Its not that he was a bad ass rider its just once you hit the hill your weight starts to have alot to with things. I would smoke him to bottom of the hill and then about half way I would see him just fly by. His dad could do nuttin but laugh at us. He came up to me and said "nothing like a 90 # kid on banshee huh". Could do nuttin but laugh.

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