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Need A Name

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This is the thing,Me and the wife are going to have our third child soon very soon,and we can't seem to come up with a name for the little feller.It is a boy and every name I like she don't and the ones she likes I don't.So I thought I would throw it out to the HQ for suggestions,and see what cha had to offer.



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How about 'Jimmy'? Or 'deL'(Led backwards)? :D I've already decided without a doubt my first girl will be named 'Paige' after Jimmy Page. B) My last name is King & my old man always told me I was lucky he didn't name me Martin Luther. Just imagine that, being a white kid named Martin Luther King. :huh:

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I've always liked the name Kane...different, yet kind of sinister :ph34r:



What about Ivan or Magnus? Check out some of those Norse names man.



I dunno about naming a kid after the dad. I'm a Jr., and it sucks when I answer the phone, the guy says, "Is Stan there?" I say "yeah, but which one do you want to talk to?"

Most people don't get it. Then I usually say "Me or my dad?" then they know who is who.

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What about Ivan or Magnus?

You must have seen that article about Will Farrell and his new baby boy Magnus... :lol:


What a name!!!


I know what you mean about the naming after your father stuff. On another note, my brother was named after my father, brother wrote lots of bad checks and got into a lot of credit problems and the authorities came looking for my dad! Took almost a year to straighten that crap out! What a pain in the arse!

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