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how good would a 13 front and 46 rear make to bottom end.

thats just low gearing that doesnt mean it will hook, why not just gear it so it can accellarate....you wouldnt think geared that low you stop spinning till fourth trying to climb....you be better off letting a 15 stretch your gears a little and get some torque to the ground

blue duece how does your hook up work compared to stock it says you have a 17/40 gearing

i hook nice with my 17 but i also have close to 90 horse power, but i havent allways had this motor when my bike was just piped i still ran a 15, it really depends on the hills your climbing, the stuff i climb i might hit pinned in third and end up in first if im geared13/44 when i down shift and gas it id just dig in and end up digging a whole and standing still, theres a fine line between hooking and spinning ...my -2 swingarm helps me hook, but getting the power to the ground is the problem all large 2 cycles have, geared taller your more apt to hook, real low gearing just breaks the tires loose

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an inch and a half both directions on a stock carrier


So that would be up, 1 tooth and down 1 tooth.


Hmm i might go with 15 * 40 then.

I think its a bit large and it wont rev out in 6th i guess.



I'd rather have a somewhat lower gearing, that way i can start in second gear.

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