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28 Mikuni Or 28 Keihns?

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Like mentioned either one will do. Whatever brand you had the best luck with i guess get. I know the flat slides have a better flow without the round slide distrubance. On the shee i dunno if that will matter, but when i do sleds the flatslides flow better compared to round slides.

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PWK's are D-shaped slide. Work damn good. But if it comes down to the wire, look at other things like adjustment locations and jet access. PWK Kehins have a plug on the bottom of the bowl that make jet changes a breeze, but mine, the idle screw for the left carb is burried between the carbs and the r/s carb air screw is burried as well. Makes it a pain to adjust. I don'tt know much about the mikuni's except they run diffrent jet style then the kehins.

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ford or chevy?

Exactly, I have had both. I like how the keihns are built, but I think the mikunis dialed in easier out of the box for my setup. Some I have talked to have said the keihns dialed in better. Every motor is different. Whatever you choose you'll get it dialed in eventually. The keihns do have easier access to main jets and the needles.

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I have only had expereince with the Mikuni's and I do like them. One of the biggest benefits in my opinion is cost. I paid $190 for 2 new 28 flatslides where I think the Keihns are in the $300 range. I have never seen the way a keihn is built but I have heard the Mikun's have a bit more adjustement via the needle jet. But for most people this is left alone anyway.



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