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Runaway Banshee


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Hello everyone , welcome to my problem . As the topic states , I have a Banshee with a major problem . It had a top end put on and now you can only start it with starting fluid and then it just raps out . The head has a deep pit on the left side , but both cyls. have 120 psi . I've sprayed everything I can find with carb cleaner and found no vacuum leaks . I've also cleaned the carbs , no help . The throttle slides are down where they should be I think . The T.O.R.S switch was replaced on the right carb because it broke and wedged the throttle open on tha side , not sure how many turns they(screws) should be . I'm not sure if the air screws on the rear of the carbs are set right or not . Could this be the problem ??? If so how many turns out should they be ??? Please help !!! Thanks!!!

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Get rid of the TORS crap. When your done burning the TORS crap, then you can work on the carbs like your supposed to be able to and find out the problem. Chances are, when the TORS crap has been dismantled and burned, the problem will go away.

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What is needed to replace the T.O.R.S ???

First off, all you have to do is unplug the connections. There are connections at the carbs, under the fuel tank on the drivers side and I believe you need to disconnect at the bars.


There is a TORS eliminator kit you can buy to replace the honkin caps. You can probably buy it at MagicRacing.com, a site sponsor.

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You might be running lean.

Left cyl is lean(The side with the deep pit) . I'm not sure if it's the head or not . It kinda seems like a good measure to replace it though . Right plug seems to have more oil/fuel on it than the left . Left is turning white(Lean mix) and has fewer deposits on it . If I leave the choke on all the way it will at least smoke from oil , chocke off you'd better shut it down fast before it's too late unless TORS is on . ;)

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You have an air leak. Do a leak down test and you will find your problem. The normal areas are the reeds or the carb tops (specially stock carbs with the TORS system on them). If you were jetted correctly before you shouldn't be lean... unlike what some wanna be "know it alls" tell you.

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If you were jetted correctly before you shouldn't be lean... unlike what some wanna be "know it alls" tell you.

There may be a jetting issue, but if it was running great then started acting up, i'd say it's something to do with the TORS. Time and time again, we see people ask why it ran great and now like shit, won't start, won't idle at all, and ran great before. They pull the TORS crap out and there goes the problem.


The TORS system has a sensor that reads where the slide is in relation to your thumb. If it malfunctions, it thinks the slides are stuck when they're not and won't allow the machine to run because it thinks the slides are stuck. It's not if they malfunction, it's when.


Get rid of all that TORS crap before you ever start digging into anything else, cause you could be f*&king something else up that doesn't need to be f*&ked with.


If, after you get rid of the TORS crap, you still have a problem, then it's time to start looking elsewhere. You need to eliminate the possibility of the TORS crap first.

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