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Water Wetter?

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I was wondering if water wetter does anything?

No no no no no. Water wetter is a good product and lowers the temps but just a little, not much.


Engine Ice is the way to go. Lowers the temps a lot more. It is a very good product, much better than water wetter!! Plus, it looks good enough to mix with your vodka. :D



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I noticed everyone was mixing the wetter with their antifreeze.

On the bottle of Engine Ice I have it says to compleately, drain and flush the coolant system, and run only the Ice, dont add anything.


Maybe watter wetter is high dollar salt, that just raises the boiling point of the watter? :D


Just kidding. I dont really know that much about either, but I'm gonna use the bottle of Engine Ice I got here soon.

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Water wetter lowered the coolant temps in my eclipse about 20 degrees (which really helped in the summer on those 90 degree days!). It lowered my Yukon about 10 degrees. I don't have a temp gauge on my bikes, but it seemed to help them also.

From what i've heard water wetter is a lot like dawn dish soap (without the suds effect of course!)

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