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Im Crying Inside

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i dont know what to do, tom i can get a raptor, or keep m y shee, ahhhh:'( i dont know what to do, the shee lieks to break alot, and is a lemon in my eyes, i put alot into and this guys reappy is all suspension modded, i dont know, i know all u guys wlel say keep the shee, but ahh, im 15 and i just wanna ride

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hmmm if your having that many problems with a shee then get a rappy so you can say you had both and both break alot. not one offroad machine will ever last a life time without some breakage. its just the nature of the beast. you rappy will break just like myt z400 has broke all bikes break just some more often then others. its just the way things are. but do what ever you want. but remember when that rappy motor breaks just how easy a shee bike is to take apart.

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Like bignasty said, no matter what you get you'll break shit. Unless you ride like a pussy. Pretty much any atv will break, they go under a lot of abuse. Just think how much abuse a Banshee can withstand. The motor revs over 10k RPMS, and your going insanely fast so of course it will break a lot.

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Sweetshee, when I was 14 I got my first quad, an old Suzuki 230 Quadsport. When I was 15 I had that Quadsport modded with everything you could buy for it. At age 15 I tore the engine down, shipped the cylinder to LASleeve and had a 260 big bore kit put in. I installed my first Wiseco piston, threw in a Web cam, assembled the whole thing and it fired right up. I did all my work, adjusting valves, timing chain, bulletproofing the chain\sprocket\swingarm so the chain wouldn't pop like the Quadsports were known to do. I made my own custom shift lever to rid the stupid stock linkage type shifter. My Quadsport was bulletproof and I did it all myself when I was your age, 15... and without the benifits of the internet. Why am I telling you this ?? I hope to motivate you.... to get you off your ass.... and learn about your machine, work on your machine... bulletproof it. You need to look at one particular problem at a time, don't have any of your friends around while your working, you need to concentrate on what your doing. Find your problem, study the whole design and learn how everything works concerning the problem area. Now use your common sense, a good set of tools and fix your problem. Once you figured out how to fix the problem, setup the quad so the problem doesn't happen again. Its called "doing it right the first time". If your going to fix something, don't fix it "half assed", do it right the first time. Tackle one problem at a time and fix it correctly, don't fix it so you can go riding, fix so it wont break ever again. Keep a clear mind, set aside a whole day to fix up your quad and don't get distracted by having your dad or your buddies around.


The Banshee and most older designed 2 stroke quads are the easiest ATV's to work on, there' really not much to em. You got a brake system, a drive train system, a suspension system and the engine. You cant just give up cause your frustrated. You need to develop that "A type" personality...... you see a problem, you don't bitch and moan, you fix it and you fix it right. Take off your dress and get your hands dirty. Learn about maintence, you need to take care of the quad. Ever hear of grease ? Chain lube ? Quality oils ?? Instead of playing your ps2 and starin' at online porn, start visiting this forum everyday and read every post and learn everyone's name here..... if you'd take my advice, a year from now you'll have a bulletproof Banshee, you'll have the skills to maintain your quad, your ego will rise and you'll blow your friends mind when you tell em you just rebuilt your topend. And one more thing, the other guys who replied are right on........ if you buy a Raptor.... and don't wrench on it..... you'll have just as many problems as your having now. You cant whine about your problems, you need to figure out what needs to be done and do it. And there will be plenty of times when your Banshee will have a problem that you cant quite figure out or you cant get it fixed, that is where the BansheeHQ forums enter the picture. We're here to help when you have questions.


I was going to write something in your other post where you were whining about your Banshee... but I held off. Iv been reading alot of thread lately where guys are bitchin about their quad and "they suck at life". Life is what you make it, its in your hands. One more thing SweeShee, I like you, please don't think im being an asshole towards you. I know your from pa and I want you to know that you can bring your Banshee down to Shamokin and we'll go over your whole quad. I don't wanna see you riding a Raptor at CoalFest :angry::D

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your damn right meat, i made that decision about a year ago and its been one of the best things ive done, when it breaks i dont need to take it to someone because i know the shee inside and out, get to know ur quad, no matter what it is but remember a banshee is 100x's easier to work on then any 4 stroke

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