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Fake Id's

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are u mentally challanged or just completely stupid to come here and ask a stupid ass question like that? besides not onlyif you got caught with a fake id and it is a fedral crime i do believe if you get cuaght and somone here told you how to make it they can get charged with accessory (sp) so no we aint gonna hel you cuase I know I dont want to meet a guy named hogarth in prison :blink:

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:angry: dumbest fukn post ive ever seen im pretty new to this site and untill now ive enjoyed and learned from every post ive read which is damn near every one on here almost makes me mad <_< hmm wait i think i mightve enjoyed it afterall someone commin up with that stupiditys got to be worth a laugh nope confused humorious with feelin sorry for the boy! oh and if your really from oregon then you should know how down on underage drinking this state is back when i was in early hs po po just used to make us pour all beer out on side of road now if u even smell like uve been drinking ur gettin mip and tinys gonna be real close friends /w ur buyer and after a couple mips u loose ur license and pay out the ass

besids after youve seen all the toothless bar flys around here youll be lookin for the hs kegers again anyhow well i always thought i could ask u experenced guys for advice on anything and u havnt let me down yet :unsure: so does anyone know how to make counterfit money ?:ph34r:


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Why do u need an ID?


Go to the most run down looking store next to your local projects (We call them Base-headquarters, due to all the crackheads out front). As long as you dont look 10, they will probably sell you beer. However, its not a good idea to give a basehead outside some money to get some for you. :blink:

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you are a freaking idot, i'm only 15 and i have no problem with waiting 6 more years, why dont you come on here and brag when your driving drunk and kill some one in an acident then?

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no shit man brag about sumthin cool like havin a 3some ore more with the hottest chicks you can find. or like pyro said a real feat like drivin drunk and killin someone or multiple ppl. you know sumthin worth while. i hope your a dumb ass and dont know when enough is enough drink to much get alky. poisoning and die or sumthin. ur lame.

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What a god dam SANDWICH. i am now 21 and i go the bar probly every night, but untill my 21st birthday i didn't try to get into any bars. Thats just retarted. Don't get me wrong i was 16 was i was able to take a 12 pack down by myself but i was smart enuff to do it in the woods or at a friends house where there parents wern't home. A listen you little bastard, you better not drive drunk, do be one of those commercials.

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yeh no shit moose. i am underage but i dont drive so i dont dont drink and drive, but i hope this shit is dumb enough to and hurts him self.(no one else needs to be involved.) i go to bars alot and i'm only 18 they let me in i'm not soposed to drink but hey i do any way but i aint a bundle of sticks like this kid. fake id's are gay if your going to sneek sumthin may as well sneek it instead of gettin a federal offence slapped against ur ass for havin a few beers and tryin to be cool. i would rather be cought underage and just get a pi. or just spend a couple hours in jail(i've done it a few times its not bad. much better than a freakin felony charge.) but this kid doesnt get the picture. plus bars are gettin old i got to a local one about 2-3 times a week and some times we'll hit a few others just depends on who lets 18yr olds in. ohh well this topics gettin old. l8ter he'll learn sooner or later

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A buddy was making fake id's for about 6 months and the word got out wayyy too well and soo many gas station attendants took them away it seemed almost for sure my friend was gonna get busted, and after aniomous (i know thats not how you spell it) people were coming up to him and asking him about it he decided that it went on long enough and got out of all that and its been about a year since then but like everyone is saying it's not worth getting in trouble for something like that.

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After a while you will learn that drinking sucks anyways. I drank almost every day for a long time when I was younger. I put myself in a situation where I had no access to alcohol for a little over a month. I felt so much better that I just never started drinking again.

Now If I have 3-4 drinks or even beers, Im about ready for bed.


Plus Im way to serious about riding now.

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