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Fake Id's

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A fake ID can get you REAL deep into shit. With all the terrorist shit going on a fake ID will get you jail time now a days--all for what--to party where you shouldnt be!!!!!!!!!!Stick to the WOODS until you come of age!!!!!! And if you dont heed this message and you really just want a fake ID-----go to DMV-here in NJ Its a really big market-lol!!!

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often i see post like this and wonder if some ppl only come on here for advice like that... if so thier givin a realy good name to atv riders...i get woried about cops looking at this with some of the post like this and stuff like "i need a good system cleaner so i could get my piolets liscens"

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Well, first you mug some guy, make off with their wallet. Have free reighn at an atm machine to pay for your all night bender then use his licence to get into all the clubs and nudie bars...tip the strippers big cause it ain't your money.

Disclaimer: I take no responability if someone is dumb enough to even try this..Charges of assault and battery, credit card and identity fraud...that's federal prison time with a guy named tiny who ain't so tiny.

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yeh man do you even look legal? i dont really, but i can get into most bars around here and just have friends or ppl i meet buy me drinks. fake id's are gay. theres a kid that has one and he's like 16 and doesnt even look that and he thinks he's the shit cuz he has this fake ass id that cant even buy him cigarettes but he still thinks its cool. you arent one of those ppl are you dude? dont be a bundle of sticks just wait or get friends that look old enough to buy. ur not missin out on much really. just wait. how old are you to begin with?

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I guess none of you guys heard of that kid that just got busted for making all those fake ID's...maybe it was just on my local news but they were talkin of fining him 250,000 dollars per fake ID he made for all his underage friends. Take my advice, it's not worth the trouble you could get into. You have the rest of your life to party after you're 21, although it really isn't much of shit to go out anymore...times just aren't the same. Just another thought, if you get caught with that fake ID by a bar or titty club you'd be arrested. When I used to work at a bar back in the day we had gypsies arrested all the time for being 14/15 with an "of-age" license. The bars can get a huge fine and even be shut down for stupid shit like underage drinking, believe me, they'll tag you good if you get caught. Best advice I can give is to just play by the rules. If ya just gotta get drunk go find someone to pick you up a couple 40's and chill at a friends house. Fake ID's are BAD IDEAS!

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Did you actually think that THE BANSHEE HEADQUARTERS would be a good place for asking how to make fake IDs.I mean I know it says general discussion but DAMM.Just for thinking that you dont deserve a fake ID.Next time ask for some help for your homework in automechanics class or something. <_<

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This topic is a little too much.If you go to a club or a decent bar and the scan your fake ID for its bar code and nothing shows,your freakin hit! You can even get you licence pulled till your 24.Connecticut takes no shit when it comes to fake ID's.Laura Bush got pinched at one of my favorite bars in New Haven for that crap.If it does'nt fly with prez's daughter what do you think will happen to you?

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i say screw it if im old enough to kill people and die for my country im ild enough to drink and its alot easier for you guys who are all over 21 to say we aint gonna help you. although i wouldt suggest using a fake id that would be jail time in alot of states.

i say save the clubs untill you are old enough and just party with your friends

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well i know here in Mi it is almost impossiable to make a fake id now unless you use the old style ones but other then that here in Mi you can go to alot of clubs with only being 18 and the way we use to do it was have a friend buy use the fifth and the underage ppl would drink it on the way to the club then we would just go in and party but we also have the easyness (i know it isnt a word) to go to canada and drink at 19 so it is ok

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i am only 18 i dont know i guess its just which club you go to but i have no problem drinkin where ever i go i just have friends buy for me. as long as ur not a total ass and way obvious but not sneeky about it then you prolly wont get cought. idk maybe its just me. but dont do the fake id thing. that shit is just gay and no you dont just get it taken away from you they are soposed to have you arrested seen it done. thats why i never thought about trying it that and its gay.

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