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I have an 87 with a J-arm frame, and one of the J-arms is red, and the other 3 are red... I want to paint them to match, or buy new ones or something.. The ball joints are starting to go on them so I'm leaning towards replacement, but what do you all think??


Should I....


Replace them and just get the color I want.


Take them all off, have them painted or paint them myself, and fix the ball joints.




I am trying to get out of this with a low cost, and also not to much time/stress cause riding season is only a blink away!! (last time I tried removing A-arms off of a blaster some wouldnt come off the rotor and caused major problemos)

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The stock arms do not have replaceable ball joints. New replacement arms from Yamaha will probably be white, and cost about as much as a set of extended arms.


So if you think the ball joints are still good for awhile you should just take the arms off and paint them.

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do a aarm conversion, theres plenty of people on here to help you out! meat on his site www.thebansheezone.com has done em, ive done one, 89 bansheedude has done 2, it'll be worth it, or paint the ones u have now, thow em on and look for a replacement pair

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I have an a-arm frame...But I'm trying to sell it.. I would want to paint it and all that jazz which I dont want to do really.. I just want to ride my shee this year, and as of now, it's not anywhere close to ridable. So I think I will just hold off till next winter, and maybe throw some new ones on there... What do the +2+1 and all that mean?

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