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Installing Stator(right Now)

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I just put one on & it was a little tight. I hit it lightly with a file. It was a little snug but that is good because then it wont walk in the slot if she vibrates off snug tight.


As far as the key... you can feel it go in correct if it is loose when it pushes on then you miseed the keyway.

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you need to adjust the clearance between the pick-up coil and the flywheel from .015mm to .025mm using a feeler gauge.



Yepper,...got my panties in a bunch & didn't adjust the pickup coil. That 'rattling' was the pickups on the flywheel hitting the pickup coil on the stator. Luckily I didn't kick the shit out of it and screw anthing up. Boy did I feel sheepish! :P I had to set the pickup coil at .020 and shee's a screamin' now, started up 1st kick! :D Took her out Saturday after I got it fixed, had no problems at all. Shee's ready for the dunes...can't wait for next Thursday to get here. The advance in timing made it run a bit better as well, litteraly no hesitation at all from idle to WOT. I'm soo damn happy now I feel like a squirrel in a nut factory.



Oh man, not what I want to hear. I just ordered the RS 200w stator and adjustable plate. If it just needs a lil filing, thats cool. Sounds like the install is kinda interesting though....

Yeah, just a bit of filing--no biggie at all, slapped right in after I did that. Install is a sinch really, just don't get in a hurry & forget to adjust the pickup coil! ;) hehe :P



LedZepp or those of you that had to replace your stators to get the shee running again, were there any symptoms showing that the stator was going bad, or did the shee just flat out die? I think thats what might be wrong with mine. Thanks.

Well, the 1st stator I replaced(stock) just died out of the blue--had been out riding, stopped for a smoke, went to start it & nothing--didn't start back up until a new OEM stator & 2 kicks later.

When the $300(golden <_< ) stator went to crap it just started out of the blue also, was out on the dunes & shee started to spit & backfire at & only at WOT. Checked carbs, coil, CDI, sparkplugs, replaced slightly cracked carb boots, etc...nothing, still backfired at & only at WOT. So I figured it was the stator--ended up being just that. After I got the RS installed, correctly... :rolleyes: ...shee's back in tip-top shape.



Again, thank you all for your help.

Led Zeppelin B)

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If you don't have a feeler guage, you could use a dime instead. There's 2 screws that hold the pickup coil onto the stator. On the flywheel there's 2 pickups as well. From one of the pickups on the flywheel, use a dime to space from one of the flywheel pickups & the stator pickup. Should be good to go. ;)

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okay, cool! Hehe.. i've got feeler gauges, no problem. Wouldn't a dime be a lil thicker than .02 though? Good idea though... just have to bust out the feelers. Didn't know it was as easy as 2 screws holding it on :) Thanks for the info.. it is greatly appreciated!


Now I can't wait for the stator or plate.. hopefully no filing needed though.

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Yeah, I figure a dime is between .020 & .025, ought to be just fine.  As far as the filing, don't sweat it...took me maybe all of 5 minutes to do. ;)

A dime is about .050" thick. :o So, prolly not good to use it.... Better to take 4 or so "C" hairs and use them. A hair is about .004" thick....

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Yep. But all that box hair best be gone. Perhaps a racing stripe. But, I don't enjoy flossing at the same time eating.... ANyways, an average piece of paper is around .004"-.005". So, perhaps folding it over 4 times or so would be good. Just don't use the bended/folded edge. Fold it in a fashion that will allow you to utilize 4 unfolded edges stacked.... Perhaps cut the paper and stack them together. However, the best bet is to run down to NAPA and get yourself some feeler guages for $5. ;) Never know what kind of paper y'all got there....

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