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Need Some Legal Advice Please

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I would think all she needs is power of attourny and the fact that she was responsible for the payments AND it being a marital asset, would mean it's OK to buy it from her. I would also document the fact that you have paid for it {cancelled checks etc} so if nothing else, there's a lein on the bike by you.

Either way someone now owes YOU for the money you spent.

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We went over this type of thing in law class and as far as i know if she forges his signature against his will or without his permission then its illegal now because he is in jail and youve been making payments on the shee then you might be able to legaly own the banshee. if not well then youve just payed off the shee for him

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I have been writing the checks to her and she has been paying in her name.

I would be pissed too but I dont feel sorry for him. He is in jail for raping-molesting my 8 year old niece so I say FU(K that sorry bastard.. He dont need the shee nor deserve it. I dont feel bad at all for taking his beloved quad. He can get another quad but my niece will never be able to get back what he took from her.


Let me re-itterate my previous statement. To Hell with that sick fucker and he should die and rot in fucking prison. That pisses me off just hearing that. My cousin had that happen to her by her dad's 'friend' when she was like 12...after her dad literally re-arranged his face(put him in ICU for a few months) he got arrested & is still in prison. Serves him right.


Better yet,...you oughta send the sick f*ck some pictures of You on Your banshee! Don't foget to write "f*ck You & Die" on the pic before you send it either. :angry:

i agree totally and i too would send him some pictures of me sitting on his banshee. f*ck that dude. hes obviously is a piece of shit and deserves to be a prison bitch. i fuckin hate worthless no good motherfuckers like that. but hey, in a couple years hell be out. and then he can just go do it again. they should fry his ass.

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yeh i think he should die in prison for that shit. its way fuckin wrong. i would also send him picks of you riding his shee. but i would put a spin on it and have you naked riding his shee with a letter letting him know how you feel he is a total peice of shit and should die. but thats just me. and just cuz he's bipolar and has depression doesnt mean he is a nut. i am bipolar and am perfectly kinda normal. :ph34r: being bipolar isnt as bad as is sounds. at least from what i am experiencing its more the name that weirds ppl out. for the most part its just a bad temper.

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i say f*ck it and let her sign it, then go get a new one in your name. that way it want have his signature on it, hell for all you knew she took it to the prison and had him sign it, f*ck him, let him rott in jail, i hate people who beat women and kids. i would beat that peice of shit mother fuckers ass if i saw him raise a hand to a woman or a kid. f*ck him, have her sign it, send it to me i will sign it and tell that fucker to come find me for signing it! :angry: sorry , i dont think you will get into any trouble. :D

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Are you doing this because you really want to help out your relative or because you wanted to get a good deal on the Shee. Be honest with yourself.

If you were trying to get a good deal then reconsider and walk away right now. Write off the one years payments as a lost cause and consider it tuition for lesson learned.

If you really feel obligated to help out that is a different matter. You will have to face all the previously mentioned title legal issues plus you may have to face a seriously crazy child molester and possibly worse when he gets out. Seriously, that could be a major problem that I wouldn't wish on anyone.

The law can't always protect the innocent from the seriously crazy. And you may not want to take on the role of the big protector. The courts are regularly letting real bad boys out of prison early.

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Now you all understand why I was thinking about trading my shee in on a street bike last week:D I wanted to pay this thing off and get out of all this bullshit before it bagan. I cant get rid of the shee though. I like it too much and have too much money and work into it to just walk away from it or trade it in. I gotta keep her! I am going to see what the finance company and lawyer says. I will certainally keep you all informed. :D




Ducman...You got that right ;)

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In Washington State, and several other states, it will be considered "Community Property". Not one person owns any item solely. All property is owned by both parties. Even if the title is only in one of their names. If she forges his signature it can actually be legal.


This is based on the same lines as wife cashing husbands checks. The wife can legally forge the husbands name on the check as long as they are married and it is not with malicious intent. Meaning that she didn't intend to fraud husband. Now the selling of the banshee can easily be stated that she needed to sell it to provide for the children, hence no malicious intent. Therefore no problems...


I deal with this stuff regularly. I wouldn't worry one bit over it ( civil wise, safety is a different story). I couldn't count how many times I heard the statement "You'll See Me In Court". It never happens when the defendant has no money!!!


Unless he is making $30.00 an hour in the pokey making license plates, DO IT!!!

You cannot get the power of attorney unless he allows it. It sounds like this wont happen so I wouldn't worry about it. If you need any assistance feel free to email me. I've got a few years EXP in civil and criminal court....

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Have her sign it, and go to the DMV with all the required paperwork. As a matter of fact, get down there right now, and ask the clerk what papers you need to change a title over and registration over. Get all the paperwork, get it all signed by her, and it wll be fine. They won't suspect a thing. And once the thing is in your name, sell it, and buy a different bike. If you want. If not, then keep it, ride the shit out of it, and when shitstain gets out, f*ck him up....

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I'm with boon.

Get it (if its worth it) ride it a little, then trade it/sell it.

Get all of this muther fukkers stuff away from your sis. There is no reason he should be around anyone in your family, ever. (IMO)


I hope everyone in there knows what he is in for. If not try to let them know somehow. Maybe/ Hopefully he wont even make it out. He might find some cold, hard, sharp justice right in the juggular.

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