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Need Some Legal Advice Please

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As you all may know I was supposed to be paying my banshee off last Friday. Things have come up and I am going this Friday to pay it of. My question is... I took over the payments on the shee from my sister in law. The quad is in her husbands name and he has been in jail for about 2 years and is going to be in jail until 2007. She said she is going to have to forge his name on the title in order to sign it over to me. He has already threatened her with death if she gets rid of the banshee. This guy is a real nut case and she is divorcing him very soon. I wish I had known that it was in his name BEFORE I paid a years worth of payments. If she signs his name on the title and signs it over to me can I get in legal trouble? She said she is going to talk to her lawyer to see what the best course of action is. She did sign a paper from the loan company saying she would be liable for the payments beings he is in jail. Does this cut him (jailbird) out of the picture?I would hate to pay the thing off and not own it legally. HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

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It sounds like you might be able to get away with it. Civil law is not my specialty though, but as long as you can get the title, and YOU don't sign his name or anything like that, you should be in the clear. Just don't admit to knowing anything about it. Different states handle things differently..but if you have a bad feeling about it, then consider really hard on the deal.

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She did sign a paper from the loan company saying she would be liable for the payments beings he is in jail. Does this cut him (jailbird) out of the picture?

I think that will cover your ass. I'm pretty sure that if he tries to sue someone over this in the future he can only go after your sister and could probably only get the principle that he put in it minus depreciation (wich probably = nothing) before you took over payments. The lawyer will tell you what to do to cover yourself. If It doesn't work out then one way or another you should be able to get your money back but it might be messy since your sisters in the middle.


One time I bought a motorcycle (CBR600) from a guy who didn't have the pinlk slip but assured me that the guy who owned it before gave it to him to pay off some debts (probably traded for drugs or something). It had farring damage but was a rediculously good deal and I had the cash to get it. The DMV needed a signed bill of sail from the owner so the guy forged a signature and I got a pink slip for it. If the bike was reported as stolden it wouldn't have worked. I knew I was taking a risk but everything worked out and the owner never came after it. I wouldn't do that today but I was 18 and would have donated a testicle for a hot rod crotch rocket. Good Luck.

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In New York, you could get away with it for sure. We have forged documents like that alot. it's not too hard. As long as you get the lein release from the bank, and she signs the dude's name on the title, you should be all set. If your state has any tax documents that need to be filled out when registering it and there is a spot for the seller to fill out, than have her fill them out as well. It will make everything look that much better. Now, did you just make the payments to the bank if her name, or did you actually assume the loan under your own name? I am assuming that you did the previous option, and she just handed you the paymnt book. In which case, once the bike is paid off, she will get the lein release. Then, you must make it look like on paper that you are just buying it from her outright. Don't get too stupidly low on the purchase price to save a few bucks on the tax when registering, it will raise a red flag which would be bad. You can do it. Just don't rush into it. If you just kept paying the loan in her, (or his) name, then pay the last payment, get the lein release. Then, you will be home free. Have her sign the papers, and go to the DMV.

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Thanks for the replys. I really feel like taking the shee back to her and just wiping my hands clean of the whole deal but she cant afford to pay the payments on the shee (which is why I took it over to begin with plus she is raising 4 kids by herself) plus the finance company has a lien on her car along with the shee. So if the shee goes back her car goes along with it.I also have too much money into it already to just walk away. In all honesty I probably will have traded the shee in or sold it by the time he gets out of jail anyway.

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I have been writing the checks to her and she has been paying in her name.

I would be pissed too but I dont feel sorry for him. He is in jail for raping-molesting my 8 year old niece so I say FU(K that sorry bastard.. He dont need the shee nor deserve it. I dont feel bad at all for taking his beloved quad. He can get another quad but my niece will never be able to get back what he took from her.

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Well lets put it this way when he gets out and is as crazy as you say then he'll come after you whether you have the shee or not. Which if he does heres your chance to put him back in prison. Sounds to me like a bad guy and needs to stay in prison even though in some way we all are paying for his plesent and well fed stay at prison. Next time you buy something get proof of who your really buying the thing from and not a middle person. ;)

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Personally I myself arent worried about him. He likes to beat on women and kids so I dont think I will have any problems out of him. I am more worried about my sis in law though. He has already threatened to burn the house down with them in it along with all kinds of other threats. Dude is a real looser. He is Bipolar and a manic depressant.( I think thats what you call it). Total nutcase...

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yes i'd be worried about them too. The sad thing is they can have all the paper work in the world saying he can't come near them, but how can that stop a nutcase who is dedicated to his goal and revenge? Well i hope you get the shee taken care of smoothly and hope nothing happens to your sis and her kids. Why do good woman always fall for the bad guy and end up getting hurt?? While the rest of us good guys have to pick from bad women. lol Opposites attrack maybe?? weird huh

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I have been writing the checks to her and she has been paying in her name.

I would be pissed too but I dont feel sorry for him. He is in jail for raping-molesting my 8 year old niece so I say FU(K that sorry bastard.. He dont need the shee nor deserve it. I dont feel bad at all for taking his beloved quad. He can get another quad but my niece will never be able to get back what he took from her.


Let me re-itterate my previous statement. To Hell with that sick fucker and he should die and rot in fucking prison. That pisses me off just hearing that. My cousin had that happen to her by her dad's 'friend' when she was like 12...after her dad literally re-arranged his face(put him in ICU for a few months) he got arrested & is still in prison. Serves him right.


Better yet,...you oughta send the sick f*ck some pictures of You on Your banshee! Don't foget to write "f*ck You & Die" on the pic before you send it either. :angry:

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I'd take his beloved shee of his and do some brodies on that Mutha Fucka's face! :angry: I'd also try to use his threats to add some time in prison and/or deny parole. If he gets out I'd parade that banshee up and down the road and rub it in his face to bait that idiot to violate his parole so he can go back to prison! :ph34r: Hopefully bubba's giving that asshole a little taste of his own medicine right now! :D

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