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Cuttin Out

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i was ridin my banshee some bout a week ago and i though i would race a gey down the road so i did and now the bottom is still good to go but the top is actin up a lil it will cut out in 4 5 and 6 lil it has a rev limiter for bout 10 15 secs then it will open its ass up real quick and go till i let off again and some times it never opens all the way up and its not the ring went out i was thinkin maybe the end gasket blew out but im not sure could someone help me please thanks ive takin the carbs off and cleaned them and played with the jets a lil no air leaks and the reeds are good to

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Rev limit on the banshee is built into the cdi. You can adv. the timing to trick it, but it's always there and it's a constant effect, it limits the spark the higher the rpms until....it doesn't have enough spark to rev any higher. You won't even come close to the rev limiter unless you run up at 9,000 rpms. It's somthing else causing the bog. Chech your carb slides, maybee one is sticking slightly or out of adjustment. Your compression could be low or your plugs ar fouled. Your reeds might be worn. End gasket??? head gasket? if that's blown out you'll be able to tell, burning coolant, seepage out of the head and POOR performance. Your jets might be clogged. or needles bent.

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Iwas reading this forum and was just going too reply COIL.

Im going too change my user name to COIL. Glad you found it. It took mee 2 weeks and allot of headaches. Mine was not a loose wire but the coil itself. :D

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